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  1. #1
    rukus43's Avatar
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    Cycle 4- Suggestions/Feedback appreciated

    Previously have cycled the following compounds: dbol , test e, test c, eq, and deca

    Test Prop 1-13 weeks @ 100mg Ed
    Tren Acetate 2-11 @ 50mg Ed- (will be tweaked upwards at a fast pace depending upon sides)
    Winny 6-12 @ 50-100mg Ed (thinking about staying at 50mg)
    Masteron ? @ 60mg Ed

    I read that running the tren a week after the test and ending it a couple weeks before ending the test is a good idea. This cycle will give me a great muscle-building environment with a mixture of test, 19 nor, and a DHT compound. I was worried about the lack of cardio strength while on Tren but I am hoping the increased RBC count while on test will balance it out. The only aromatizing compound in this cycle is the test prop so I am going to keep arimidex on hand. In the steroid profile it is recommended to run T3 to combat prolatin (25mcg/day). From your experience how necessary is this?
    Also, I am keen on incorporating masteron at 60 mg Ed but not sure how long to run it at and if I should even think about using two DHT compounds in the same cycle. The masteron would also eliminate the need to use HCG and Letro while on cycle. Just some fine tuning that needs to be done here bros...thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    I wouldn't add masteron , since you already have winny...pick one between the two, running 4 compounds at one time in a cycle is perhaps one compound too many IMHO. As for T3, you'll have to wait and see depending on the sides... keep bromo/caber/letro on hand as well. Masteron doubles up as a mild AI, but I'm not sure how that would effect the use of HCG ? But in anycase, you can save the HCG for pre PCT.

    On the whole, IMO, you could keep prop, tren and winny (or masteron) dosages the same (either at 50 or 75 mg/day) .. I found this "ratio" most effective in my most recent cutter.


  3. #3
    rukus43's Avatar
    rukus43 is offline Associate Member
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    I agree, 3 compounds should do the trick. Would you go with masteron or winny? I will keep the bromo, caber on hand for prolatin. As for T3 I know that it is catabolic so I was trying to stay away from it. Letro and HCG will be on hand but do you think I should run them through cycle- is it necessary?

    FYI: PCT will start 3 days after the last prop shot:

    Nolva wk 1-6 @ 20mg
    HCG wk 1-3 500IU ED

  4. #4
    rukus43's Avatar
    rukus43 is offline Associate Member
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    I am leaning towards masteron as it is not hepatoxic and is generally more effective and has other ancillary benefits. I am going to keep letro, hcg , and nolvadex around but going to scrap the arimidex . How many weeks should masteron be run (approx 75mg ed)? Thanks.

  5. #5
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rukus43 View Post
    I agree, 3 compounds should do the trick. Would you go with masteron or winny? I will keep the bromo, caber on hand for prolatin. As for T3 I know that it is catabolic so I was trying to stay away from it. Letro and HCG will be on hand but do you think I should run them through cycle- is it necessary?

    FYI: PCT will start 3 days after the last prop shot:

    Nolva wk 1-6 @ 20mg
    HCG wk 1-3 500IU ED
    Winny and mast can be run together because despite being both dht they act in very different ways. Winny has low AR binding and mast binds very strongly so the are very sinergistic in this regard.

    You seem to have a cutting cycle in hands so I don't understand why are you afraid of t3. Its not half as strong as some people say and it helps to fight any lethargy caused by the dimishined thyroid output caused by tren .

    With tren i like to run hcg 2x 500iu weekly from the middle of the cycle on. You can also run a small letro dosage just for precaution since you are running a high test dosage. 0.3mg ed should do it.

    You can run mast all cycle long as it is not as toxic as winny.

  6. #6
    rukus43's Avatar
    rukus43 is offline Associate Member
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    Great thanks for the feedback. I will do some more research on T3 but just wanted to see if it was a necessity. If it is then I will incorporate it into the cycle. Thanks for the advice on running HCG . I was not sure on whether I should run it or not.

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