My scalp has been pretty itchy lately, especially at night when I am sleeping, it will actually wake me up. I don't have any flakes so it isn't dandruff. I think it may be due to being on a cycle. I've am on sust and deca.
Any suggestions?
My scalp has been pretty itchy lately, especially at night when I am sleeping, it will actually wake me up. I don't have any flakes so it isn't dandruff. I think it may be due to being on a cycle. I've am on sust and deca.
Any suggestions?
Tbol does that to me. I have no idea why.
Try benadryl, maybe its a reaction to the oil. Just guessing tho.
I get it too. any reasoning would be pure speculation on my part. Pins and needles feeling with incessant itching! I Also hot flashes around the same time which is a sign of unstable hormone levels.
yea whenever im on any form of test or anything that raises my test levels i get unbearbly itchy esp when i get hot and nobody knows anything to do about it the only thing that helps a little bit is lotioning my whole body before i train
I can relate to being itchy on cycle when hot. When I get in the shower my ass and the outside of my thighs itch so bad I can scratch them raw.
Izicc, are you hot when it itches, maybe try sleeping with a small fan pointed at your head.
It could be dry skin too. This time of year with the drier air and showering more than once a day it is worse.
When I get hot I get itchy real bad. I don't believe I am getting hot when sleeping. I do run a fan when I sleep, but not directly on me. I also run a heated humidifier to keep the air in my bedroom moist in the winter.
I was doing some reading about test converting over to DHT could be causing that, but that seemed more like an issue if someone starts loosing hair while on a cycle. I'm not losing any hair.
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