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Thread: dbol by itself???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    dbol by itself???

    i searched for over an hour to ensure i didn;t repeat my question and then realized i am the only one stupid enough to ask. I have currently been lifting for 4 years, i am 19 now. I am 5'10" and am done growing. I am 196 lbs with a 7%bodyfat, my bench 315, squat 415, deadlift 460 and clean 255. I have been searching endlessly for a soucre but have been unsuccessful. recentely one of my boys came across a shitload of Dbol from a legit person. My question now is, since Dbol isnt very expensive is it worthwhile and would i even achieve results by taking oral dbol by itself. i would be taking 35-40mg Ed for 4-6 weeks as i have read Dbol becomes a problem for your system if taken for long periods of time. I;m looking to gain 8-12 pounds for upcoming spring football practice. I have read thousands of posts about cycles and stacks and woudl love to be able to afford and obtain a cycle of Dbol, sust250 and deca but it is not within my ability so i was just questioning whether you can or if i even shoudl take the Dbol by itsel? any help negative or positve is appreciated. also would i need milk thistle or clomid with it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well, you have seemingly done some research, adn think you know the answer to this. D-bol alone will not give good results brother. You will lose most of what you gain. Throw in an injectable, preferably test with d-bol. You'll blow up.

  3. #3
    Hmm...i wouldnt recomend taking a dbol only WILL end up loosing ALL your gains in the end...

    but if you do choose to do it, yes take milk thistle..800-1000mgs 10 days before and throughout the cycle and 10 days after..and yes you would need clomid as well...

    but i think it would be a waist...or gear...and your liver...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I disagree, back in the days I did a lot of dbol only cycles (at 50-100mg/day), I kept them short, 3 weeks at the most and gained pretty good. The off time was 3 weeks as well. And that was before clomid and ari. You should get good results if combined with arimidex and clomid for estrogen control. Of course post cycle procedures are very important as always.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    If you should take any orals, you WILL ALWAYS NEED TO TAKE CLOMID AND MILK THISTLE. As for D-bol alone; some will argue that the majority of your gains will not be kept- this is true, some will argue that you won't get as big as you should without stacking- this is true also, however at the dosage you are planning on taking you should be able to make (at very least) the gains you are looking for. Nut

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: dbol by itself???

    Originally posted by killaB
    i am 19 now. I am 5'10" and am done growing.
    No you're not my friend. When I graduated from Highschool I was 5'8" and 150lbs. When I finished University @ 22yrs I was 5'10" and 195lbs. However, you obviously have a head start on me

    Dbol alone will give you quick size and strength but it will be temporary at best and a lot of it will completely disappear when you come off. You have the right idea about adding sust (ot some other form of test). IMO....keep looking and wait until you have everything. You may also want to look into some clomid for post cycle as it will help re-start your bodies natural test production. If you do go ahead and decide on a dbol only cycle...drink tonnes of water and get some milk thistle (health food store) and run the MT @ 800-1000mg/day while on.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    thanx for the posts so far, it is nice to hear from people who actually care. i was involved in another forum a while back and asked a question similar and got shitted on for it. Which kind of test would u recomend with the Dbol? enanthate? My sole problem is time constraints with finding gear. I have a little over 8 weeks to get on and off. I am in the process of conning some of my boys who have a passion for surfing like just about all of u and i have for lifting to take a trip down to the "beautiful" mexican coasts and do me a favor. I had a question for mR nobody though since u have tried this yourself and have me interested. Isnt 50-100 mg kinda harsh? i coudl obtain enough to take that dosage but would i need to go that high to get results? had u ever tried more in the range of 35-50 back in the day?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    my bad i meant to say which would u recomend sust250 or enanthate. and which kind of Dbol do u think is the best, the 5mg, the 50mg, and between the pink pentagon tabs and the ttkoyto tabs.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    100mg is not too harsh, considering you do it only for 3 weeks and nothing else.
    If we had known about clomid and access to an aromatize inhibitor or other anti-e's back in the days I would have kept even more.
    And I did not take milk thistle, omega 3's, cranberry or any other support supps, just plain d-bol.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    alright so until i can obtain some test i think i am gonna try 80mg ed for 3 weeks on and off. how the hell do u obtain clomid though? not asking for source just like how hard is it to get? def will drink a lot of water and the milk thistle. how should i break up the pills each day? how many mg's at each interval cuz 80mg's at once seems stupid and would just suck.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    DO NOT USE D-BOL ALONE............get something to mix it with. test and deca would be good. d-bol alone you are just going to retain alot of water which you will lose. you will get strong...but you will lose it all.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Try to get the test first bro. Go with enanthate - it's cheapest usually and is the best IMO. Sust is expensive, takes forever to kick in, can hurt like a bitch, then there's the sust flu, and the list goes on.

  13. #13
    The Iron Game Guest
    There is absolutely no reason that you cannot use dbol alone, but get clomid for post cycle. Also minimise the water retention.

  14. #14
    sust flu....EAH????? whats that

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    yeah i got the genetical shaft when it came to height. my dad is short as my mom but my older bro is a monster, not to mention a lazy bastard. but the good old doc let me in on a nice secret in the form of "your growth plates appear to be closed or very close to it" so i pretty much gave up hope god would slap me upside the ass and give me an inch or two. WTC how much of your gains did u keep? i mean i would love to be huge but am not going to kid myself with what i have to take. is hoping for keeping like 6-8 pounds of muscle and not water realistic? sux to be so young and uninformed.

  16. #16
    ptbyjason Guest
    Originally posted by killaB
    hoping for keeping like 6-8 pounds of muscle and not water realistic? sux to be so young and uninformed.

    You only want 6 - 8 pounds? Go a different route. It's not your time for steroid use in my opinion. You are not ready.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by ptbyjason

    You only want 6 - 8 pounds? Go a different route. It's not your time for steroid use in my opinion. You are not ready.
    Yeah, if those are your goals, then natural is the way. You should be saying, "Hoping to gain about 50lbs., and keep 30-40 of it." You can easily keep 20lbs. bro, with lots of food and hard ass training.

  18. #18
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    Oct 2001
    the more and more i read messages in this forum the more i start to love it. i was on riding home today from class and was excited to come home and read my posts. this damn forum is like a drug. Yeah i def understand where you guys come from in saying 10 pounds is much smarter to gain the natural way. god did not however gift me with the intitail weight to gain mass from or broad shoulders. getting to 195 lbs was a miricale in itself. i used to be a scranny son of a bitch. i am still getting stronger day by day but cannot seem to gain any weight. i have never measured my arms or taken those kidna stats but essentially they are pretty big and i have no body fat to change to muscle anymore. the reason i said i want to only gain a mininal amount of pounds is that i didn;t know how much i would be able to gain only using Dbol as this is the only gear i can get my damn hands on right now. that and i can only sacrifice a certain amount of speed for size as i am bulking up for spring practice, plus i can;t even imgaine who the hell i would be if i gained 40 pounds. My legs are just about the only thing my skin wouldnt have a fit over growing. Do u still think i should avoid the gear until say the summer when i wont have to worry about a coach breathing down my neck telling me i dont fuckin weigh enough. Is there anything you would recomenend i could take that is "natural" or at least legal if u guys all think i should avoid dbol until i start in the game and can get some test and can afford gaining all that damn weight. shit i am still tryin to picture being 40 lbs heavier. where does that shit go. Honeslty i prolly would benefit negitavly if i kept any more than 10 or 12 pounds when all is said and done. i run a 4.42 40 y and if i gain to much weight then i will just take shit for being to slow??

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    hold off on the gear bro. get some creatine and l-glutamine, up your calories and train heavy. buy some whey protien also, drink a couple shakes a day, one directly following your workout. wait until you are 100% prepared before you do a cycle.

  20. #20
    ptbyjason Guest
    you can also take something like Gainer's Fuel by Twinlab. It is for hard gainers like yourself You can contact the company in my signature for a good price on all the supplements. Just hold off on steroids for now.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    thanx for all the help guys,i;m gonna hold up a bit until i am ready to get serious about it and until i can get the gear for a real cycle. i;ll try the creatine and glutamine route and see how it works. i have been using andro-spray (although i know how all u feel about prohormones, i got it for free from a friend i know) and procomplex from optimum nutrition. i bought some creatine clear today and will see if i can get what i am looking for from that. and if i do end up taking the dbol i will keep u posted. thanx again for all the help

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