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Thread: Need advice on (T-400) and tren

  1. #1

    Need advice on (T-400) and tren

    I need advice on test 400 and tren.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Under your bed.....
    what about it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    T-400 by denkal? That shit hurts like ****.

    The most generic response would be 400 mgs of test and 75 mgs of tren acetate eod or ed. Tren is sick shit in a good way and 50 mgs is fine for me. Blam!@

  4. #4
    im using t-400 @ 2ml pw and the pain is unbeleiveable, would not recommend it to anyone doing there first cycle, my everywhere I inject I get a massive swelling the size of a golf ball,

    anyone else have the same problem?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by scottrotton View Post
    im using t-400 @ 2ml pw and the pain is unbeleiveable, would not recommend it to anyone doing there first cycle, my everywhere I inject I get a massive swelling the size of a golf ball,

    anyone else have the same problem?
    Yeah. T-400 has an increadible amount of dissolving agents and Benzyl alcohol. You can reduce the pain greatly by mixing it with another oil based steroid or even sterile oil. I.E. you can shoot 1/4th cc (100 mgs) with your 75 mgs tren eod. Or split it inot two shots or whateer. Basically mixing it helps. ALOT.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by roadapple View Post
    Yeah. T-400 has an increadible amount of dissolving agents and Benzyl alcohol. You can reduce the pain greatly by mixing it with another oil based steroid or even sterile oil. I.E. you can shoot 1/4th cc (100 mgs) with your 75 mgs tren eod. Or split it inot two shots or whateer. Basically mixing it helps. ALOT.
    nice 1, where do I get these oils from, am I allowed to ask? I havnt seent them anywhere

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by scottrotton View Post
    nice 1, where do I get these oils from, am I allowed to ask? I havnt seent them anywhere
    Yeah bro, get the sterile oil (cottonseed oil) they sell in 'aroma therapy kits.' There are sites that sell the oil, filters etc and all the other stuff in the kits separately. You just gotta search. If I could pm you I'd give you a couple places but I don't know how. (?)

    Hope that helps.


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