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Thread: Nolvadex During Cycle???

  1. #1

    Nolvadex During Cycle???

    Hey just curious, kinda thinking about this. Could you run nolvadex while on a cycle throughout to prevent any gyno/estrogenic side effects. I understand that it will lower IGF levels slightly but would this be a plausible thing to do while on a cycle? Maybe even cutting the dose to 5mg/Ed or 10mg/ED. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    this is a good read.... will answer ya question

  3. #3
    So I read that, which ended my pct debate and gonna do nolvadex with aromasin. BUT my real question is could i possible use nolvadex DURING a cycle? I understand estrogens role in muscle producing and what not but just to prevent gyno and estrogenic side effects. I figure becuase it will compete for the receptor sites and not eliminate estrogen then would it still be ok because estrogen would still be floating around just not binding as strongly? hopefully that wasnt to jumbled....thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MakinItRain View Post
    So I read that, which ended my pct debate and gonna do nolvadex with aromasin. BUT my real question is could i possible use nolvadex DURING a cycle? I understand estrogens role in muscle producing and what not but just to prevent gyno and estrogenic side effects. I figure becuase it will compete for the receptor sites and not eliminate estrogen then would it still be ok because estrogen would still be floating around just not binding as strongly? hopefully that wasnt to jumbled....thanks
    Some people do run Nolvadex throughout their whole cycle. Personally I prefer not to run any SERMS or AI's unless I need them. I have them on hand, but so far have never had to use them.
    For my first cycle I ran Letro for about 10 days, but is killed my libido. Switched to Arimidex, which was better, and finally came off all AI's all together after a couple of weeks. I was just being overcautious from reading all the gyno horror stories.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    yes you can run them the whole time, but if you do, you are just stunting your growth because without the estrogen levels, your gains hinder

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I use them to keep bloat down and as a preventative against gyno.

    I also heard that using throughout actually makes it easier for your body to recover during PCT.

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