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Thread: Can LION help a canadian

  1. #1

    Can LION help a canadian

    hey just wondering about the success rate of lions shipping into canada, has anybody had any major problems ex, siesure, long delivery time?? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I live on the west coast and the longest ive had to wait is about 2 weeks. BUT WAIT. apparently something is going on with customs and my order has not shown up in almost 3 months. Lion sent me a tracking number so he sent it from his end... i think you should wait and see whats happening with customs. I also ordered again, and that ones been a month.. so ttt this thread later and ill tell you how it ends up. But Lion's been good, and i always received my products without trouble until now.

  3. #3
    thanks man. im thinking of ordering real cheap first to see if it gets here then make the order i want once i have a better idea that there wont be a problem

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