I think the title says it all?
I think the title says it all?
Any 19nor is a very potent mass builder.
My last cycle was 1g of tren, I’m thinking about trying deca next time around but obviously deca is not as strong as tren. Do you think I could still get good results with deca?
well deca and tren are 2 different thinks. used for different reasons. the only thing they have in common is they are both nor9 derived compounds
what do you mean you took 1g of tren. 1g to me means 1000mg. thats about a weeks worth in my world.
so you took tren for a week or two. is that what you saying?
deca is great. you will keep the gains too cuz it stays in your system so long
what else r you planning on taking?
its a very good mass builder
i<3 Deca
me 2
dude, 1 gram of tren each week is very hard on you. My one buddy was running 800/wk and after 8weeks he had to get off of it because he had blood in his urine. I don't go over 400mg/week ever. But I usually run 200mg/week of it and gain 8 pounds in the first two weeks on it (running big test on it though). But to each is own and if your body can handle 1gram a week of the stuff, then your a better man than me
has nothing to do with being a better man.
i have taken 150mg ed of tren ace for a month and then went down to 100 mg ed the next month without any problems just great lean gains.
that was a little over a 1g a week and was excessive but worked for me. everyones different.
Deca is great.....
NPP mmmm
want deca, thinking of using tren e 200mgs/wk and a hrt dose of test 250mgs/wk any gains off of that FUGAZY or anyone
Youll yeild gains but you probably want to up the tren to 50mg ED for optimal results. test is fine where its at.
Yes, ,my last cycle was tren e only at 1,000mg each week for 10 weeks. I took 1,500mg In the first week actualy.
I have done all kinds of cycles and used most kinds of gear but never deca and i just want to know if it's strong enough for me to make gains off of after using stronger drugs.
I <3 Deca... BAck when I was bout 21 or 22 I did a 12 week deca-only cycle (didnt wanna mess with a test)... went from skinny 5"11 174lbs, repping 185 4-5 times (bench)... to make a long story short at the end of week 10 I was up to 205 lbs repping 225 20 times, ENORMOUS strength increase and weight gains.. absolutely no sides except deca dick for 2 months which sucked ass.. All PCT i did was nolva 20 mg /day for 2 or 3 weeks I think... but I lifted, ate, and slept RELIGIOUSLY throughout the cycle, of which I credit much of the success of it to... I Would HIGHLY reccommend deca... amazing, absolutely amazing. Kept all but about 5-7 lbs cuz I kept lifting heavy as possible and eating a shyt load post cycle. Just keep lifitin heavy to me thats best way to keep gains P.C.... No more than 4-5 repz each set till ur face looks like this:
Auf Wiedersehen!
i just finish another deca cycle i love deca, great gains little sides. i am thinking about tren again but a dont know if i can deal with the sides again.
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