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Thread: what to do

  1. #1
    bgbear69 is offline New Member
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    teagu, korea

    what to do

    hello all,

    I am new to this game so I have a question, I am in the position to get just about anything I want from injectables to pills to helpers so I ask this, For a first and second cycle what would you all say is the best things to do. I am 6 foot 1 205 have been lifting for about a year now ( just in case those stats are important and I am 26 ) If you all had the ability to make the best stack you could what would you take and for how long. Thank you for your time.

  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2002
    Dbol , Test, and Deca or EQ.

  3. #3
    Hitman's Avatar
    Hitman is offline Senior Member
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    OZ via NZ
    i would say the best stack you could have would be weeks 1-10 500mg of THE SEARCH BUTTON and just to kick start it off weeks 1-4 35mg of SOME INITIATIVE.........HITMAN
    Last edited by Hitman; 09-13-2002 at 02:50 AM.

  4. #4
    MindBomb's Avatar
    MindBomb is offline Member
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    Feb 2002
    I would look into what Rickson has suggested. BTW are you getting the gear in Korea??? I heard their laws on AAS has changed dramadically and it's near impossible to get them OTC. I ask b/c I am planning on a trip to orient, which includes Korea, during the spring and am curious to see how easy/hard to get my hands on some....Their prop and anadrol is great..

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