i got some deca 300mg per ml, and some test enanthate 250/ml
can i shoot both of these in 1 single shoot just once a week?
i'm 27 5'10 193 lbs and i'm on a low dose 16 week cycle.
reason why i ask, is cause i shot last night both compounds in 1 shot, i mixed shot before, but didnt know it wha ti'm shooting might be too many mg's for 1 single shot.
1-6 dbol 350mg a week
1-8 test enan 500mg a week
8-16 test anan 250mg/deca 300mg week
14-16 winstrol depot 50mg every 3 days
1-16 .25 arimidex
clomid & nolva on hand in case gyno, (doubt it)