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Thread: Letro use to aid with weight loss....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Orange county, CA

    Letro use to aid with weight loss....

    Hey this is a post for a co worker of mine that has been losing weight.....

    He was 350 lbs 5'11" tall.... he currently weights 290lbs and is still dropping... He said with his shirt off he notices muscle developing and is loving this new lifestyle but he's worried about certain things like extra fat in the chest area (gyno?) I don't know if that is considered gyno or not, maybe it's just extra fat built up in that area.

    Question is, would letro be beneficial to him in this matter? What do you guys think about someone 350lbs using letro to assist with extra fatty deposits? Any feedback you could help out with would be greatly appreciated.... Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Letro does not burn fat. It is an AI. Id assume that your co-worker's BF% is sky high, so Id wait until he losses more fat. If he were to use letro for gyno, he might have some issues with an estrogen rebound after he discontinues use. Letro needs to be be taken very seriously as it is a very powerful drug.

    So in short to answer your question, no. He needs to continue to work on diet and cardio for now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Orange county, CA
    ok cool, thanks for the information on that Johny... I will relay the info to him and let him know to keep going at the cardio/working out and diet. When he gets down to around the weight he's aiming for he can address the issue if there happens to be one. Would you say it's common for someone being 5'11" 350 lbs to have excess skin after losing 120 lbs or so? If it is what recommendations do you have regarding that? I know surgery is the only option for some people but I don't know if there are some other options as well? Thanks again!

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