did my injection today of 200mg cyp and 100mg primo in my ass about 4hrs ago and i have a lump where i injected............
did my injection today of 200mg cyp and 100mg primo in my ass about 4hrs ago and i have a lump where i injected............
is it hot to the touch? redness/irritation?
its just sore to the touch, it looks irritated if you look at it.
if it is infected then your body will try to kill it by heating up. Abscess is usually accompinied by heat coming off the infected area. Maby a fever
4 hours is nothing! You can have a lump in there for many days, sometimes as long as 5 days or so. No need to worry yet!
If you get a fever, then you need to get emergency care fast.
Or if it is so painful you cannot function etc...
keep an eye on it, I hope your ok.
day 2 , lump is same size but a little less painful. i did a pretty sloppy inject i guess ,hope the lump goes away.
i have had issues w/ prop before at uber high concentraitions.
i would get a hot red bump that would last EXACTLY 8 days then go away instantly SO WEIRD.
did it w/ every shot ... so unless you beat 8 days .. its probably nothing
ya, im hoping it goes away............ The lump is inside the buttocks , i haven"t had this problem before. i think i did a shitty inject........
with this lump in the ass, i do 40 mins of cardio , should i not do cardio for awile to let it heal? Or am i ok?
Im taking Testosterone Cypionate, for hypogonadism, and came to this web site because I figured you guys new more about Steroids than anyone else, and I think you all may have just answered the question I asked in another post. I get the same lump. Its warm, red, and rock hard. 3 injections and 3 lumps. The site is warm, but I am not running a temperature. One of the lumps have been there for right about 8 days and have decreased in size, but it's not gone. There is no indication of purulent material beneath the lump and none of them hurt, but they are uncomfortable. I did notice on one of them that my pores are freaking huge... Any ideas if I should be concerned. I have put in multiple calls to the Doc and I haven't got a return yet. Im thinking about just walking in to his office and forcing him to look at it, but if you all think that it isn't a big deal then I don't want to make a fool of myself. Any ideas, suggestions, etc...? Anything I can do on Monday to keep it from happening again? As it is now my ass is already lopsided with one giant lump on the right glute.
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