Hi, I would like to start a very mild cycle just to see how my body reacts and if it's not good to be able to cut it right away and clean it fast out of my system. I had problems a few years ago so now want to try again. When first started I had test to every cycle I do, but my last couple of cycles I did dbol & omnadrin250(sust250 similar) - absolute nightmare... had depression, anxiety, racing heart cold symptoms(wasn't sick actually) So after that one I gave up on gear for awhile(thought gear is not for me anymore) After got rid of those sides which took me close to 2 years, I decided to try another one. At time I know a pro bb who supplied me with winny/50mg He told me " No problem buddy this would get you back in the game, but if you are really cautious about how your body would react on gear again, just take a shot every 4th day and you'll be fine." That was totally not what I knew of but whatever I told myself he's a pro he suppose to know. So I did it and on my 5th day I experienced the same sides(depression, pain in the chest, bp problems) but a few hours after I was fine. He was actually with me at time it all started but he said to me: "come on dude, it was your first shot, you'll be fine take it once a week so you will not have any sides. I think what was wrong was that injecting winny only stop my natural testosterone and that's why I felt like that. Am I right? I think I should add test to any of my cycles. Do you think fast acting test like prop will work in my case( I want something that can get out of my system right away if same effects appear and have to stop taking it because of that) I think that's why taking orals only or winny only are not good?? Right?? What cycle would you run if are in the same position like me. I was also trying to find a good doc that can tell me what to take and to check all my condition. I know that a lot of bb have their own docs that check em out. So far I haven't found one. I live in FL. Appreciate sharing the knowledge. Really want to get back on. Peace.