i am going to start first cycle in a few weeks just trying to learn the difference between injection locations is one better then the other or does different location have different affects ? thank
i am going to start first cycle in a few weeks just trying to learn the difference between injection locations is one better then the other or does different location have different affects ? thank
Not really, all same shyt, ass, thigh, and shoulder. Shoulders my favortie as I seem to get incredible pump doing military press and other delt exercises in general. But all in all the stuff is transported throughout your body regardless of jection site. I think there are some rare ones that are site specific but for the most part just keep rotating ur sites so u dont get scar tissue.
Where is the best place on your shoulder?
another question i had is when is the best time to inject. I work out every day after work anywhere from 5 to 530 pm
best time, is when you got the time,,, just try to make it the same time every time you inject,, although it wont kill you if your off a few mins, or hours
Injection times really depend on what you are shooting. If it is a test cyp or ethanate, the ideal time would be 3.5 days apart though anywhere in that time range is fine. Do not just jab yourself with a needle guy, do some research. Panzer, dont tell him to jab a needle in the back of his shoulder. Go to s p o t injections.com without the spaces and this will give you a good guide.
dude just put it in your piss hole and inject works awsome
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