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  1. #1
    davieboy is offline New Member
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    Need Help been an idiot!

    to sum it up:

    I have not done some much needed research like I should have!! ( I admit) after reading through a few forums I have noticed it is not as straight forward as once thought. I have started my first cycle 2 weeks ago with decca. first shot wk1 was 200mg then the same wk2. I am now coming up to my third shot which will be this friday which again would be 200mg.
    I have read that decca alone is a fast way to no sex drive and "deca dick" which I dont want! I was planning on doing a cycle for 8 weeks, so I need help of what i should mix this with? All help appreciated. My stats are 6ft, 224lbs im unsure of my bf.

  2. #2
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    I wouldn't call a 200mg deca only a "cycle". BTW, at that dosage I don't think you're going to have problem with your sex drive and stuff.
    My best advice is however to stop it and search for some test.

  3. #3
    davieboy is offline New Member
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    yeah, i realise its a very low amount, but it looks like i am going to have to search what i should be mixing it with and a better dosage. Im hoping reading through all the stuff on here should help me out.

  4. #4
    soss ick's Avatar
    soss ick is offline New Member
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    wats deca dick? i read about it alot...

  5. #5
    davieboy is offline New Member
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    from what i understand its when decca has a big side affect which basically means you cant get a stiff one.

  6. #6
    JuicedUpCanuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    I wouldn't call a 200mg deca only a "cycle". BTW, at that dosage I don't think you're going to have problem with your sex drive and stuff.
    My best advice is however to stop it and search for some test.
    I agree , sounds like you need to do some more research though . Get your cycle and pct in order before you start playing around .

  7. #7
    davieboy is offline New Member
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    yeah thanks, i am busy searching pct now. Suppose we learn from our mistakes

  8. #8
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    I wouldn't call a 200mg deca only a "cycle". BTW, at that dosage I don't think you're going to have problem with your sex drive and stuff.
    My best advice is however to stop it and search for some test.
    I agree and don’t agree....

    I agree with 200mg a week of deca isn’t really a 'cycle', but disagree with its a 2 low dose to effect ya sexdrive.

    ANY amount of aas is going to suppress / shut down your natty production.. not matter if its test, deca, winny, dbol , tren etc etc

    So a deca only cycle will suppress / shut you down leaving no natural testosterone (or artificial testosterone as you haven’t put any in) in your system....

    Now think what test has done for you in your life (being a male) - growth, sexual organs and desire, feeling of well being, deeper voice etc etc

    That’s why most see test as essential in any cycle...

    More advanced cycles and users will always keep at least an hrt dose of test in any cycle (or even when cruising (permanent hrt)

  9. #9
    davieboy is offline New Member
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    Deca Test.
    1. 200 200
    2. 300 300
    3. 400 400
    4. 400 400
    5. 200 300
    6. 200
    7. 200
    8. At end of week start PCT and continue for 3 weeks.

    I have taken this cycle from another forum. would this be a good cycle to follow. for someone of my height and weight?

  10. #10
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davieboy View Post
    Deca Test.
    1. 200 200
    2. 300 300
    3. 400 400
    4. 400 400
    5. 200 300
    6. 200
    7. 200
    8. At end of week start PCT and continue for 3 weeks.

    I have taken this cycle from another forum. would this be a good cycle to follow. for someone of my height and weight?
    No no no no no no...
    Keep at least Test on a 8-weeker and stop deca 1 week before. BTW the duration of cycle and when to start PCT depend on which ester of test you are going to use.

  11. #11
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davieboy View Post
    Deca Test.
    1. 200 200
    2. 300 300
    3. 400 400
    4. 400 400
    5. 200 300
    6. 200
    7. 200
    8. At end of week start PCT and continue for 3 weeks.

    I have taken this cycle from another forum. would this be a good cycle to follow. for someone of my height and weight?
    Agree with what chuck says.. test should ALWAYS be run 1 or 2 weeks longer than deca to help with quicker recovery.

    No need to ramp ya dose, thats an old skool method that is seen as useless now... keep it even at 400mg per week. (maybe front load the first week only at 800mg if your using test e or c)

    Also, if your on week 3 now, test e or c isnt ganna kick in for about 4-5weeks.. so if your only doing 8 weeks of deca (including what you have already done) the test will only be doing its job when the deca is finishing...

    so unless you run the deca longer (ie start a 10 weeks cycle from now and ignore what you have already done) you might as well stop now and run a PCT.

  12. #12
    joint is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by davieboy View Post
    from what i understand its when decca has a big side affect which basically means you cant get a stiff one.
    your wrong

  13. #13
    davieboy is offline New Member
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    Thanks Shifty git very helpful
    if this is my first proper cycle and i want to start a fresh. would a cycle consisting off 200mg decca and 200mg test of one shot per week for 8 weeks then the final two weeks just 200mg of test, then run PCT. would this be a good starting point?

  14. #14
    davieboy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joint View Post
    your wrong

    whats the answer then? that is one of the side effects!

  15. #15
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Maybe not all over yet. Can you get you hands on some Test Prop or worst case Test E ? The Test Prop is fast acting but you have to shoot it ED so that will get you test levels up pretty fast. Deca dick is not always a given by the way and does not happen to everybody some guys have quite the opposite affect but I have no idea why.

    So if you can get some Test Prop fast then you are good to go, Test E will do as well but you will have to front load that I think then back done to a dose like 500mg a week. I would also consider extending the cycle for 12 weeks.

    Failing this I would stop as already suggested. I dont think you will have many if any issues. Setup a decent cycle and start again in a couple of months

  16. #16
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by joint View Post
    your wrong
    Please explain why he is wrong !!!

  17. #17
    hobbs9963's Avatar
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    I agree with shifty,cl and kale.

  18. #18
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Please explain why he is wrong !!!
    i was ganna say the same thing!!

    i also agree with what kale said, easier to salvage the cycle if you can..

    A. Get hold of some test prop


    B. Can handle ED or EOD injections

    Option C. is what i stated before...
    i.e If test e or c is ya only option, extend the cycle (start a fresh from now)

    Option D. Stop and start a PCT.

  19. #19
    KJSolid is offline Associate Member
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    Davie, stop what you are doing and do some research before shooting anything more. Putting chemicals into your body is not a game nor is it a guessing game. Do some research, find a proper cycle and pct, post it here for critique, and then maybe start a cycle. Good Luck.

  20. #20
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    If you like Test Prop, and you do not have to use a whole lot, 50g ED is plenty, with only 200mg deca .

    With prop you can get away with using small needles, like 27g 1/2". just make sure you put it in where the skin is thin enough that you will be putting it in the muscle.

    No need to use harpoons like 1.25" 23g's with Prop.

    If yo do not want to stick every day with something that feels like tabasco sauce, then Test Enanthate or Cyp would do, but the Deca may give you deca dick for a few weeks before Test C or E kicks in, as they take several weeks until effects are noticed.

    AI's are a little more important with Test E or C than P, but even when using an AI, keep it at the absolute minimum as far as what you need to prevent gyno. If your nips get really sore, then 1 or two sprays until they get sore again. Bare minimum.

    BTW how old are you?

  21. #21
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    where do u inject your test p with a half inch pin...and 27 gauge, how long does that take to draw and inject

  22. #22
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    where do u inject your test p with a half inch pin...and 27 gauge, how long does that take to draw and inject

    start ya own thread!

  23. #23
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    no, this thread has been hijacked enough so i will ask again, how a 27 half inch, where and how long does it take u, do u draw with that size pin or just inject..

    has to do with current thread...

  24. #24
    PetrX is offline Associate Member
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    just curious...would he get anything out of taking 200 mg of deca a week for 8 weeks??

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by PetrX View Post
    just curious...would he get anything out of taking 200 mg of deca a week for 8 weeks??
    you can make gains with that dose, but you will feel like shit in pct and will most likely loose your gains,Test is a must!

  26. #26
    brutesinme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    I wouldn't call a 200mg deca only a "cycle". BTW, at that dosage I don't think you're going to have problem with your sex drive and stuff.
    My best advice is however to stop it and search for some test.

    I disagree, read the profile, 1 shot at 100mg of deca can severely suppress HPTA

  27. #27
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brutesinme View Post
    I disagree, read the profile, 1 shot at 100mg of deca can severely suppress HPTA
    Finally someone says it! Deca is extremely suppresive meaning 1 shot will completely shut you down. What you need to do is get your PCT from the banner up top on AR-r .com and look at anthony roberts PCT to get a good PCT to start. The deca will take 3 weeks to clear and thats when youll start PCT. Reasearch a lot bro, and at least you caught this early and are wanting to take action, most just say screw it and keep at it.

  28. #28
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    where do u inject your test p with a half inch pin...and 27 gauge, how long does that take to draw and inject
    I have not used prop in a while, but I would always draw up with a different needle.

    I always use 18g pin to draw, and then switch to a smaller needle.

    25g for oils with a 5/8" pin for delts, tris, or quads. (23g 1.5" for glutes however)

    For the prop I would use a 27g 1/2" for the actual shot, but I would still draw with a different needle.

    I always use a fresh needle for injecting, and always draw with an 18g.

  29. #29
    davieboy is offline New Member
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    first of all thanks to everyone who has offered advice!!

    I am clearly not ready to do anything like this, because my knowledge is nearly nil on this subject and I think I need to stop now!

    my final question is: I have only taken to date 2 shots of decca @ 200mg each. Will I be ok to stop without doing anything. Tbh I should never of started in the first bloody place.


  30. #30
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Finally someone says it! Deca is extremely suppresive meaning 1 shot will completely shut you down. What you need to do is get your PCT from the banner up top on and look at anthony roberts PCT to get a good PCT to start. The deca will take 3 weeks to clear and thats when youll start PCT. Reasearch a lot bro, and at least you caught this early and are wanting to take action, most just say screw it and keep at it.
    i said it in post 8 of this thread! lol

    Quote Originally Posted by davieboy View Post
    first of all thanks to everyone who has offered advice!!

    I am clearly not ready to do anything like this, because my knowledge is nearly nil on this subject and I think I need to stop now!

    my final question is: I have only taken to date 2 shots of decca @ 200mg each. Will I be ok to stop without doing anything. Tbh I should never of started in the first bloody place.

    Run a full PCT and start again...

    like has been said in this thread, you will be shut down so need to get ya natty system working again as soon as possible.

    You got pct stuff?

  31. #31
    davieboy is offline New Member
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    sorry shifty git! I dont have anything for pct so looks like I am going to have to get something but looks like I have 3 weeks to sort it out.

    ps you dont live in the north east do you by any chance?? sorry off topic

  32. #32
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davieboy View Post
    sorry shifty git! I dont have anything for pct so looks like I am going to have to get something but looks like I have 3 weeks to sort it out.

    ps you dont live in the north east do you by any chance?? sorry off topic
    wasnt pointing that out 2 you, pointed it out to legobricks as he said 'finally someone said it' lol

    what you going to do as a planned pct?

    nah im in the east..... you a fellow uk guy?

  33. #33
    davieboy is offline New Member
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    yeah mate i live in Newcastle. I have nothing for pct and I dont even know where to start, thats how stupid I have been. My mate is a bodybuilder who I got my stuff off I could ask him, but then again he should of advised me on a proper cycle to start off with.

  34. #34
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    few guys from newcastle on here!
    Last edited by shifty_git; 01-30-2008 at 04:22 AM.

  35. #35
    davieboy is offline New Member
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    right mate i have it
    Last edited by davieboy; 01-30-2008 at 04:30 AM.

  36. #36
    davieboy is offline New Member
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    cheers m8 done.

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