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  1. #1
    annihil8tion's Avatar
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    National Geographic: Science of Steroids..

    Anyone see this show? I was looking for more education than a scared straight program....

    Just wondering what the opinions are out there on it.

  2. #2
    darkseed's Avatar
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    yeah i saw a little bit of the show. and your right!! the shyt will scare the hell out of someone just about to begin a myself. today is day 1 of cycle 1 of my clen . i really had to research this product deeply. i had to make sure i knew if there were some health issues that i didnt know about and all of that stuff. looking at shows like the one one on Nat Geo helps in a way but i think the best way is to educate ourselves and definitely get feedback from and experienced or professional person.

  3. #3
    bigdrew is offline Junior Member
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    MD Radio

    Check out Muscular Development Radio (free on their site). Their experts say the special had totally false info. It starts on the most recent broadcast (Lee Priest) at about 18 min in.

  4. #4
    Mr Tick's Avatar
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    It comes on again 2/13 at 7:00 EST And theres another program something about Test on at 8:00. Right after the other one.

  5. #5
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Ill have to check that out. I wanted to see it for myself and see how much info was false or misleading.

  6. #6
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    is this a radio station or tv channel?

  7. #7
    Longball's Avatar
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    Here's another documentary that is a little more unbiased
    Last edited by Longball; 02-06-2008 at 11:03 AM.

  8. #8
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Seen that one a 1000 times but still good. I want to watch this new one tho to see how biased it really is.

  9. #9
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    is this a radio station or tv channel?
    TV channel.

  10. #10
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    which one? when can i see it?

  11. #11
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I don't know if thread will be taken to the lounge... but that show was pissing me off. It was so biased and one sided. they try to trick the uneducated and make it look informative, then they throw in their spin to scare the whole country.

    The thing is I don't think it should be available for kids, just like alcohol/tobacco shouldn't. I think if we can consume alcohol and smoke cigarettes/cigars, etc... at the age of 21 they should consider anabolics with appropriate preventative measurements for society. Maybe doctor prescribed for various reasons or whatever.

    They used a bunch of generic hypothesis that can be linked to anything. anyone who has done some objective research on the subject can yell out BS!.. they talked about a few guys dying of heart attacks and a kid committing suicide, without mentioning any other facts about the case??? Everyone that has been around a while knows that there is way more underlying issues in those kind of cases. What about analyzing all heart attacks that occur for 39 year olds instead of staring at one person. Who is to say that the person's genetics didn't cause it or if he wasn't taking anabolics whether or not something would have occured? What about looking at the countries where it is legal and compare that countries stats with ours? tell me is it higher? I can go on and on...

    it is funny how the media plays into politics. It kind of discredits NGC for being so biased and uniformed. Not a very good documentary with good unbiased information. All the show is targeted at is the fight on this in the US....

    sorry i am always long winded... That was a load of crap..
    Last edited by rockinred; 02-06-2008 at 12:00 PM.

  12. #12
    annihil8tion's Avatar
    annihil8tion is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah I can honestly say that if I was an uneducated non user I would have come away from that show with the following beliefs:

    Steroids cause liver/kidney tumors
    Steroids cause heart disease
    Steroids cause random fatalities
    Steroids cause depression/suicide in teens.

    Correct me if I am wrong but cant anything cause all of the above?


  13. #13
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    Der schmutzig Süd
    WHOO HOOO Great VID!!!

    i bet that 70 yr old guy is IMA GET BIGGER lol!! jk bud

  14. #14
    Mr Tick's Avatar
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    I would say that it can cause liver problems with the high prolonged use of orals due to the body passing them through the liver to break them down. The depression is kinda true without proper pct your body has a huge drop in its test levels when you come off a cycle. It could take some time for your body to start producing test naturally which could cause lack of desire to do anything. As far as the others i dont know. But almost all harsh sides can be controlled with proper education about what your doing and limiting the amount of what you do.
    Someone please correct me if im wrong on anything.

    Once again it all comes down to the GREAT saying

    Educate before you medicate

  15. #15
    Bren's Avatar
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    i saw it. its about time.

  16. #16
    Atomini's Avatar
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    It's bullshit.

  17. #17
    Bren's Avatar
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    i like when they admit, the only long term side effect is that they work

  18. #18
    kralj321 is offline Junior Member
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    See newly released documentary about AAS - (National Geographic)

    Documentary about steroids - (National Geographic).

  19. #19
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    the movie was biased but not horribly i think. they definately overhyped the negatives. I am a true believer as most of you that steroids are given a worse wrap than they should but I do realize that i am putting potentially harmful substances into my body. and while the facts dont prove steroids can kill you, they dont prove they cant either and I understand the one day I may or may not have some serious health issues from using. its the risk we take.

  20. #20
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    Mx3 I want you to go down to your local drug store and ask them for the monographs off some of the "safe and effective" meds back there. And then look at their side effects you'll see that hormones are not even close to what those cholesterol and bp meds can cause. I'll be ya didn't know that they use Coumadin in rat poison did ya? Well look at it like this smoking causes heart disease, drinking causes liver damage, drinking causes random fatalities, drinking causes depression and suicide, hell 90% of anti-depressants can cause suicidal thoughts and everybody is fine swallowing them down.
    I bet you didn't hear about that Bayer drug recall that killed 22,000 people did ya? That drug Trylasol I believe its called. How many people does AAS kill? If you look more in depth to that fact they were a.) not running them right or b.) taking other drugs along with it that caused such bad side effects. So these right-wing people haven't got shit to say to those facts. Thats why I take my position on it like I do.

  21. #21
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    I think steroids outta be legalized like alcohol. The place pays the government a license fee, and you have to be 21 to buy. And they put a federal tax stamp on it that way, nobody gets in trouble unless they're underage and the government gets money from it. I don't see the problem with that, but they would have to decriminalize them first. I mean if they wanna ban them from sports then so be it, I don't have a problem with organizations wanting to "maintain the integrity" of their records but kids can buy cigarettes and they're banned from school, so its not much different than that.

  22. #22
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaysunderstudy View Post
    Mx3 I want you to go down to your local drug store and ask them for the monographs off some of the "safe and effective" meds back there. And then look at their side effects you'll see that hormones are not even close to what those cholesterol and bp meds can cause. I'll be ya didn't know that they use Coumadin in rat poison did ya? Well look at it like this smoking causes heart disease, drinking causes liver damage, drinking causes random fatalities, drinking causes depression and suicide, hell 90% of anti-depressants can cause suicidal thoughts and everybody is fine swallowing them down.
    I bet you didn't hear about that Bayer drug recall that killed 22,000 people did ya? That drug Trylasol I believe its called. How many people does AAS kill? If you look more in depth to that fact they were a.) not running them right or b.) taking other drugs along with it that caused such bad side effects. So these right-wing people haven't got shit to say to those facts. Thats why I take my position on it like I do.
    dont get me wrong bro I agree there are much worse things they should be dealing with besides steroids . I would love for steroids to be legalized, it pry wont ever happen but it would be nice. I also agree that alot of prescription meds can have worse effects on you as well all im saying is that there is not enough evidence on either side to prove they are dangerous or not long term when taking responsibly, and i am fully aware that one day there is a possibility that complications could arise from aas use.

  23. #23
    hugovsilva's Avatar
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    The National Geograpgic show was not such a bullshit as we might think IMO. You need to take into consideration the type of people they sampled to be their object of study. Bodybuilders, teenagers, all of them either abusing or not an "healthy adult male" which is the condition to be using steroids safely. I believe all those problems can appear if you abuse or you use at a younger age, but the show did not pinpoint a single problem when an healthy adult male" uses (not abuses) these hormones.

    The problem is that most of the people seeing the show will be either too brainwashed or uneducated to see what I just mentioned.
    Last edited by hugovsilva; 02-22-2008 at 06:31 PM.

  24. #24
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nah, it was way off... NGC is suppose to educational... in no way or form was this really educational... There was not any type of critical thought process involved.... they threw up some fancy screens on cells then fell off the boat after that... here is why

    the dad said the boy was taking steroids intraveneous??? the veins?they should have caught that before releasing??
    they talked about a boy who had committed suicide?? because of steroids??? no other side to the boys story??? who believes that?
    they talked about a dude who had a heart attack at age 39... He lumps into all the other stats for that age?? how can you give definitive link to the steroid ?? maybe or maybe not, but they didn't say how many 39 yr olds have fallen victim to a heart attack in the u.s.

    It was all tainted with a narrow perspective on it... don't agree with you guys one bit that it was accurate.... I have seen many documentary's and educational material and I know when something is educational or not. this one was full of bad information and discredits NGC on this subject.

  25. #25
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    Yeah I know, I wasn't knocking you MX3. Thats just my point is that the government spends all this tax money on dumb shit like this. I mean the effects of cigarettes don't hit ya until later on, neither does liver trouble from drinking. It is sad tho, that our media is supposed to be "fair and balanced" yet nobody cares to ask us to get the other side of the story.

  26. #26
    brama2377 is offline New Member
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    i also watched it. You will see most of the educated people that know how to analyze the medical literature (most of the physicians on the show) agreed that there are no well controlled studies to analyze anabolic steroids . They also admitted that steroids give great gains in strength and muscle.
    However, no one can be sure what steroids do to long term health..they may take off 5 years when used properly, they may make no difference, and they may even add five years. There are simply no GOOD studies that analyze this.

    The crazy cases of people being suicidal or dying in their30's most likely had significant other issues besides steroid use or they were abusing the hell out of the drugs.

    However, make no mistake, if you do not monitor your lab values (and I mean everyone) or if you abuse the drugs, there is a real risk of significant health problems

    I have analyzed the lab work every week for 4 years of people on steroids.

    Here is what I see:
    1. some people get severe elevation of their liver enzymes (liver damage) from steroids. Almost always it is due to oral steroids , hardly ,if ever, is it due to IM steroids. Others have no problems at all. Most fall in the middle
    What to take away from this: just as there is variation in how each of us reacts to any medicine, there will be a spectrum of how people react to steroids. Also, never, ever use any other medication simultaneously with anabolics that causes liver damage (accutane, ALCOHOL, cholesterol lowering meds (statins) etc. are just a few common ones. Lastly, get your freakn liver enzymes monitored every 2-4 weeks while taking especially while on oral steroids and don’t use orals for lengthy amounts of time

    2. There is also significant variation on the effects of cholesterol. Some people’s bad cholesterol (LDL) goes through the roof, while their good cholesterol (HDL) dwindles. These people should NOT USE anabolic steroids because it will, in time, significantly increase risk for a heart attack. Again, some individuals see little to no affect on their cholesterol levels. Everyone should monitor their cholesterol levels with an 8 hour fasting blood test every 4 weeks while on steroids..that includes IM steroids. Also, be sure to take breaks (cycle the juice...time off is AT LEAST equal to time on, if not greater) this allows cholesterol levels to straighten out.

    3. IM steroids probably very rarely, if ever, cause liver tumors (but since no long term studies have been done, one can't be sure) However, if they do, the incidence is most likely quite low. Oral steroids have a much higher and real risk of liver tumors...most of which should be caught before they even happen... if you monitor you liver enzymes

    4. Steroids may cause enlargement of the heart with unkown long term effecta..although this is probably very rare also.

    5. Never sue steroids before the age of 18, as it very well may stunt your growth and you probably don't need them to make good gains

    I watched these lab results for 4 years and read all of the medical literature for 4 years . If you monitor you lab values, don't abuse the shit, aren't a tool with psycho-social issues to begin with, and use your head, you minimize the risk to nearly zero….probably… as no long term studies have ever been done

    lastly, we all take a risk using because most of us do not have guaranteed quality control during the manufacture of our steroids underground labs, foreign juice, and even your own homemade brew (unless you are getting US pharmaceutical grade anabolics from you doctor)

    this post ought to take the long winded prize...hope it helps though

    disclaimer: this is not intended as medical advice and using steroids is illegal. Contrary to what I have said here or in previous posts, I may or may not have ever used steroids

  27. #27
    rager's Avatar
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    I was too busy reading the magazine with the black chicks with sagging tits wearing turbans on their heads

  28. #28
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by annihil8tion View Post
    Anyone see this show? I was looking for more education than a scared straight program....

    Just wondering what the opinions are out there on it.
    seen this propaganda!

  29. #29
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    Yeah right US pharmaceutical stuff. You know most US drug companies manufacture their drugs in other countries don't ya? Its just repackaged over here. Its true, go to any pharmacy and get an empty bottle of a random drug and look where it was manufactured, most likely not in the US. Simply put, if you know what your doing, and get bloodwork done to catch any problems early on, and don't run your doses too high or too long then there won't be a problem. And not drink/smoke or do other drugs while your on cycle then you should be fine. You gotta have respect for the hormone just like how zookeepers have respect for a dangerous animal no matter how long they're been working with it or how well they think they know it. Its all about respect.

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