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  1. #1
    prima07 is offline Associate Member
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    nolva and litro togther

    iam geting signs of gyno should i run letro with nolva and if so how much nolva should i run.
    Last edited by prima07; 02-06-2008 at 01:15 PM.

  2. #2
    prima07 is offline Associate Member
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    should i keep my cycle goin to cause iam in the middle

  3. #3
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    I've heard nolva and letro don't compliment each other very well. Letro takes a while to start working so I'd use Nolva for now and if you get lumps then run letro. It depends though, what's your cycle?

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    what compounds are you running?

  6. #6
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Some studies show that nolva reduces the blood plasma level of 3rd genration AI's (like letro)..

    Heres one..

    Interactions of antioestrogens and aromatase inhibitors.

    Schmid P, Possinger K

    Department of Oncology and Hematology, Charite Campus Mitte, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany.

    Aromatase inhibitors and antioestrogens have shown substantial activity in primary and advanced breast cancer. Since they exhibit different modes of action, attempts have been made to combine them or to use them sequentially in order to potentially increase their efficacy. In preclinical studies, combined, sequential or alternating treatments with aromatase inhibitors and antioestrogens have failed to provide higher antitumoural activity. There are relevant pharmacokinetic interactions resulting in decreased plasma concentrations of third generation aromatase inhibitors when combined with tamoxifen. Several randomised clinical trials comparing single agent and combined treatment with tamoxifen and aminoglutethimide failed to show any benefit for the combination. Early results of the adjuvant ATAC trial indicate that single agent anastrozole is superior to tamoxifen or the combination of both. Several trials are ongoing which might help to further define the role of sequential or combined treatment with aromatase inhibitors and antioestrogens. However, to date, looking at the current evidence, combined treatment with aromatase inhibitors and antioestrogens does not appear to provide additional benefit compared to single agent treatment.

  7. #7
    prima07 is offline Associate Member
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    iam taking anadrol 75mgs and anavar 50mgs. i know not to orals but was trying it out. some how i got gyno when i shouldnt have.(neither aromatize) and iam getting letro today after the gym so iam gunna take nolva for a few days to slow down the gyno then jump on letro and hope it stops it then reverses it.

  8. #8
    TheArtist's Avatar
    TheArtist is offline Member
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    this is taken straight from C bino's gyno prevention thread.

    If you do decide to run letro there is absolutely no need to run another AI or SERM. Do not make the mistake of thinking more is better. Think of it this way; if letro is preventing the conversion of androgens to estrogen than there is no estrogen, what would the purpose of a SERM be when there is no estrogen to bind to the receptors? Nolva will only take away from the effectiveness of letro.

    This brings me to my next point. Do not listen to anyone who tells you to bump up your nolvadex to 60+mg ED if you get gyno. I have no idea where this idea started but I have seen it suggest far too many times recently. Nolvadex will do nothing to reverse your gyno…let me make that clear IT WILL DO NOTHING FOR GYNO. If you are running nolva as your anti-e and start to develop gyno than sure you can bump the dosage a small amount to try to prevent it from progressing further, but letrozole must begin ASAP.

  9. #9
    prima07 is offline Associate Member
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    well iam taking 30mgs of nolva right now just jumped on it because i didnt have letro. is that to much or should i jump down. ill start letro tommorow

  10. #10
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheArtist View Post
    this is taken straight from C bino's gyno prevention thread.

    If you do decide to run letro there is absolutely no need to run another AI or SERM. Do not make the mistake of thinking more is better. Think of it this way; if letro is preventing the conversion of androgens to estrogen than there is no estrogen, what would the purpose of a SERM be when there is no estrogen to bind to the receptors? Nolva will only take away from the effectiveness of letro.

    This brings me to my next point. Do not listen to anyone who tells you to bump up your nolvadex to 60+mg ED if you get gyno. I have no idea where this idea started but I have seen it suggest far too many times recently. Nolvadex will do nothing to reverse your gyno…let me make that clear IT WILL DO NOTHING FOR GYNO. If you are running nolva as your anti-e and start to develop gyno than sure you can bump the dosage a small amount to try to prevent it from progressing further, but letrozole must begin ASAP.
    Nolva does treat gyno .. It is a very long ineffective way .. If you do some research on Pubmed you will see that nolva has been a effective treatment for patients with gyno , but like I said it doesnt have a very high success rate and it takes along time ( in the cases it did help , in some people it took 18 months)..


  11. #11
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    most the older guys (mid 30s) that I talk to outside of this forum have never heard of letro and swear by nolva. They all say 8-12 weeks of nolva normally reverses moderate gyno.

    Obviously it's all a matter of opinion and i'm personally more convinced by this forum's advocation of femara, so that's what I'm on. But I also think nolva is pretty good shit.

    I started letro as soon as I knew I had gyno and it didn't stop getting worse for TWO WEEKS, which is why i suggested usng something that has a more immediate effect first. I mean, I'm kind of a newb and thats all just my opinion, but it makes sense to me.

  12. #12
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    that is, of course, with ALL due respect to c-Bino's protocol.

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