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  1. #1
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    does 1000mg of deca really differ from 2000mg in shutting down?

    from what i've read on steroid .com info 100mg of deca for a month virtually shuts down your natural test for about a whole month so my question is this, lets just say u take 1000mg test e with 1000mg deca, and im guessing thats pretty much enough to shut down almost if not all the natural test u have for a good month, now what if u take 2000mg test e and 2000mg deca, is it really going to make it that much harder to get ur natural test back to norm with pct or no? anyways im not talking just about deca but virtually all steroids , im thinking really past that point where 1000mg test and 1000mg deca is going to shut down ur test completely for a good month without pct, 2000mg and 2000mg test e, and deca isn't really going to do much worse in shutting down test, except in length.
    Last edited by Alex Rodriguez; 02-06-2008 at 03:23 PM.

  2. #2
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex Rodriguez View Post
    from what i've read on info 100mg of deca for a month virtually shuts down your natural test for about a whole month so my question is this, lets just say u take 1000mg test e with 1000mg deca, and im guessing thats pretty much enough to shut down almost if not all the natural test u have for a good month, now what if u take 2000mg and 2000mg deca, is it really going to make it that much harder to get ur natural test back to norm with pct or no? anyways im not talking just about deca but virtually all
    I think what you mean is what you read was 1 100mg shot of deca will shut you down for a month... and yes duration and sheer amount of compound will dictate your ability to recover.... yes if you ran 500mg of each compound every week a proper PCT would get you back on track when it was over... assuming you ran the cycle for a reasonable amount of time IE 8-16 weeks...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    I think what you mean is what you read was 1 100mg shot of deca will shut you down for a month... and yes duration and sheer amount of compound will dictate your ability to recover.... yes if you ran 500mg of each compound every week a proper PCT would get you back on track when it was over... assuming you ran the cycle for a reasonable amount of time IE 8-16 weeks...
    what i mean is that since for instance 1000mg of deca for 12wk is going to shut u down completely, would it really be that much harder to get ur natural test back if u took 2000mg? because i was just thinking that it would really be an issue of length instead of dose at that point

  4. #4
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    1000mg/ew????? what do u mean? or throughout the cycle? ..if it was ew why whould u even consider?

  5. #5
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Either way you will be shut down. You wont be shut down "harder" with 1000mg of deca versus 100mg, shut down is shut down. Recovery time given the time on will need a greater PCT and may take longer.

  6. #6
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Either way you will be shut down. You wont be shut down "harder" with 1000mg of deca versus 100mg, shut down is shut down. Recovery time given the time on will need a greater PCT and may take longer.
    so that answers ur question!

  7. #7
    kfrost06's Avatar
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    you will be shut down to zero, you can't get lower than that like lego said however it will take longer to get your HPTA back and the reason is you have more deca to clear your system before you can start your own natural test production again. The deca, like all 19-nor, will castrate your testosterone production so until it's out of your system you will have a difficult time getting your natural test production back.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    you will be shut down to zero, you can't get lower than that like lego said however it will take longer to get your HPTA back and the reason is you have more deca to clear your system before you can start your own natural test production again. The deca, like all 19-nor, will castrate your testosterone production so until it's out of your system you will have a difficult time getting your natural test production back.

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  10. #10
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    Everyone should read about nandrolone decanoate on either wiki or some other source of information. will clear up alot of myths and misconceptions about this AS. I dont think people understand the mechanics behind the effects it has.. they just hear all this SHUT DOWN this SHUT DOWN that and they start freakin out. thats what i think.
    Last edited by Panzerfaust80; 02-06-2008 at 07:25 PM.

  11. #11
    lex57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panzerfaust80 View Post
    Everyone should read about nandrolone decanoate on either wiki or some other roid board... will clear up alot of myths and misconceptions about this AS. I dont think people understand the mechanics behind the effects it has.. they just hear all this SHUT DOWN this SHUT DOWN that and they start freakin out. thats what i think.

    "Estrogenic effects resulting from reaction with aromatase are also mitigated as a result of the drug being a progestin, but effects such as gynaecomastia and reduced libido still occur in larger doses." i am not really sure what you mean, but this was taken from wiki. and there is no myth or misconception about SHUT DOWN. it SHUTS YOU DOWN quite simply. so if you could elaborate or show us some studies or material or links i would be interested to read them. because as far as i know it does suppress your natural test. but i could be wrong.

  12. #12
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    Der schmutzig Süd
    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    "Estrogenic effects resulting from reaction with aromatase are also mitigated as a result of the drug being a progestin, but effects such as gynaecomastia and reduced libido still occur in larger doses." i am not really sure what you mean, but this was taken from wiki. and there is no myth or misconception about SHUT DOWN. it SHUTS YOU DOWN quite simply. so if you could elaborate or show us some studies or material or links i would be interested to read them. because as far as i know it does suppress your natural test. but i could be wrong.
    no shit. So does regular test. wasnt the point I was trying to make...

  13. #13
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panzerfaust80 View Post
    Everyone should read about nandrolone decanoate on either wiki or some other roid board... will clear up alot of myths and misconceptions about this AS. I dont think people understand the mechanics behind the effects it has.. they just hear all this SHUT DOWN this SHUT DOWN that and they start freakin out. thats what i think.
    We will not discuss other bb'ing boards on this one tho as it is against the rules. As far as Deca .....

    Deca durabolin will shut down your natural endogeneous testosterone production after 1 100mg injection. Its a very strong hormone that is a great mass builder, do not be afraid of it but take precautions. Some people think deca only is a great idea. Most of these are inexperienced users or very young to where there natural test prodcution is at strong and can make a good recovery. Testosterone is incorporated into a deca cycle to supplament the test that is missing from taking the deca. When you inject Deca your body will recognize it as testosterone therefore shutting you down. But it not being testosterone your body will suffer as test is responsable for things like libido, mood, sense of well being, etc.. so there is no misconception here. The answers are given, some people are affected differently from deca and even tho on test as well still suffer libido loss.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panzerfaust80 View Post
    no shit. So does regular test. wasnt the point I was trying to make...

    ok....well can i ask what your point was since you said go to wiki and it will, "clear up the misconceptions." to me its reaffirming exactly what we were talking about. and i agree that test shuts you down too. never said it didnt. you say,"wasnt the point I was trying to make" .... well then what was your point? and legobricks is 100% correct. bro you dont have to mention the other boards you can just copy and paste the info you're talking about. i am just curious of this other info. no need to get defensive with the ,"no shit" i wasnt being rude i just like to see info that seems to be outside the box as to what is the norm.

  15. #15
    kfrost06's Avatar
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    test will not shut you down like deca , not even close.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    test will not shut you down like deca, not even close.
    I don't necessarily agree. Two weeks of test at 500mg/week will completely shut down your natural testosterone production, just as a single low dose of deca will.
    Now if you are talking about the time it takes to recover from a deca shut down vs a test shut down I would tend to agree with you.

  17. #17
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Being shut down is being shut down. Deca wont shut you down harder then test. Either way when your at 0 your at 0. You shut down quicker but not harder.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    ok....well can i ask what your point was since you said go to wiki and it will, "clear up the misconceptions." to me its reaffirming exactly what we were talking about. and i agree that test shuts you down too. never said it didnt. you say,"wasnt the point I was trying to make" .... well then what was your point? and legobricks is 100% correct. bro you dont have to mention the other boards you can just copy and paste the info you're talking about. i am just curious of this other info. no need to get defensive with the ,"no shit" i wasnt being rude i just like to see info that seems to be outside the box as to what is the norm.

    Post wasnt directed at experienced AAS users like you or lego. and Im sorry I chose the wrong word, instead of "other boards" I really meant "other SOURCES of information to learn about Deca "... All I am trying to say that alot of noobs MAY get turned off on deca bc of all the negative test suppression people talk about. I just think its a good idea to weigh the pros and cons of anything and then determine if it is right for you. not tryin to make enemies here, I apologize for not being more clear in my previous post.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Being shut down is being shut down. Deca wont shut you down harder then test. Either way when your at 0 your at 0. You shut down quicker but not harder.
    Do you have any info to back this up? I have always believed in the old adage that deca shuts you down harder than test (same with tren ). I have never ran deca, so I don't have any personal experience with how "hard" it shuts you down.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panzerfaust80 View Post
    Post wasnt directed at experienced AAS users like you or lego. and Im sorry I chose the wrong word, instead of "other boards" I really meant "other SOURCES of information to learn about Deca"... All I am trying to say that alot of noobs MAY get turned off on deca bc of all the negative test suppression people talk about. I just think its a good idea to weigh the pros and cons of anything and then determine if it is right for you. not tryin to make enemies here, I apologize for not being more clear in my previous post.
    aint no thing bro. i have personally only done deca once. but it probably is one the best all around choices for novice bbers. very mild sides and good gains. i am actually getting ready to run his little brother the next few days as a matter of fact and am really looking forward to it. . from what i have heard it is supposed to be easier to recover from the shorter ester .....we'll see in about 8 to 10 weeks.

  21. #21
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    actually, you can get shutdown beyond shutdown..
    i heard that when ur test production goes negative your weiner inverts into a mangina

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    actually, you can get shutdown beyond shutdown..
    i heard that when ur test production goes negative your weiner inverts into a mangina
    So how did you fix this?

  23. #23
    kfrost06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord View Post
    I don't necessarily agree. Two weeks of test at 500mg/week will completely shut down your natural testosterone production, just as a single low dose of deca will.
    Now if you are talking about the time it takes to recover from a deca shut down vs a test shut down I would tend to agree with you.
    I don't understand what your saying. I thinking your saying, deca shuts you down just as hard as test because 1000mg of test(500mg/wk) shuts you down completely over 2 weeks the same way 100mg of deca shuts you down completely? On the face of that statement it says test does not shut you down as hard as deca. Thats what I get from your statment but feel free to clarify. Further more deca almost instantly castrates your test production, that is it sends negative feedback to stop your HPT right away even at a low dose of 100mg of deca nandrolone . That obviously does not occur with testosterone.
    Last edited by kfrost06; 02-06-2008 at 07:51 PM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord View Post
    So how did you fix this?
    it's easy to fix, plug your ears, pinch your nose, squeeze your arse cheeks and have someone blow real hard in to your mouth, it will pop back out every time.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    I don't understand what your saying. I thinking your saying, deca shuts you down just as hard as test because 1000mg of test(500mg/wk) shuts you down completely over 2 weeks the same way 100mg of deca shuts you down completely? On the face of that statement it says test does not shut you down as hard as deca. Thats what I get from your statment but feel free to clarify. Further more deca almost instantly castrates your test production, that is it sends negative feedback to stop your HPT right away even at a low dose of 100mg of deca nandrolone. That obviously does not occur with testosterone.
    Ok, this is what I'm trying to say: Both test and deca will completely shut down your natural testosterone production. Deca will do it faster and at lower doses compared to the test.

    My point in commenting on you post was that both test and deca will completely shut you down.

    Now to the "degree" of shutdown from both compounds. I have alwaysbeen of the perception that deca is harder to recover from (have never ran it myself) and was kind of taking this as gospel. Now legobricks is stating that deca will not shut you down harder than test. This is the first time I have heard this and have asked him for some info to back this up.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord View Post
    Ok, this is what I'm trying to say: Both test and deca will completely shut down your natural testosterone production. Deca will do it faster and at lower doses compared to the test.

    My point in commenting on you post was that both test and deca will completely shut you down.

    Now to the "degree" of shutdown from both compounds. I have alwaysbeen of the perception that deca is harder to recover from (have never ran it myself) and was kind of taking this as gospel. Now legobricks is stating that deca will not shut you down harder than test. This is the first time I have heard this and have asked him for some info to back this up.
    Shut you down faster not harder. Each compound will stop the production of your Natural Testosterone obviously as we all know. You can't be shutdown beyond being shutdown, but one compound can shut you down faster.
    Last edited by legobricks; 02-06-2008 at 09:13 PM.

  27. #27
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    LOL they're gonna be debating this 100 years from now bros... kinda makes me chuckle a bit reading thru each post here... not in a bad way its just like everyone has their .02 and its stimulating! good nfo here dudes! muy interesante. the deca phenomenon!!

    side note: Oh alex r. whos that in ur avy bro??

  28. #28
    peachfuzz's Avatar
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    wow i really dont see what all the confusion is about.

  29. #29
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    I wish i knew back when i started my 1st cycle what i know now. I would have requested a double dose of test per week instead of test and deca which is what was recommended to me. Didn't know about deca shut down back then. At least i stopped the deca 2 weeks early!

  30. #30
    NSXTC is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    wow i really dont see what all the confusion is about.
    Seriously, What the big deal, using exogenous test (deca or test) you will stop producing your own natural test. Who cares which acts sooner. As soon as either passes (deca longer than test) you recover the same from either. You will shut down, your nuts will shrink. It's part of the game!

    Disclaimer: HCG not considered in the previous.

  31. #31
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by SlammiN View Post
    I wish i knew back when i started my 1st cycle what i know now. I would have requested a double dose of test per week instead of test and deca which is what was recommended to me. Didn't know about deca shut down back then. At least i stopped the deca 2 weeks early!
    why does it matter? both test and deca SHUT you down.
    so even w/ a "DOUBLE DOSE" of test you would still be SHUT DOWN no differently than the suppression deca would induce

  32. #32
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    ok guys some of u are misinterpeting what i am asking... what i am asking is that is that does 1000mg of deca and 2000mg of deca really differ in terms of shutting u down, and this goes for one steroid , if one already shuts you down completely and u take the same one but twice as much and for just as long, is it going to be harder to get ur natural test back?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panzerfaust80 View Post
    LOL they're gonna be debating this 100 years from now bros... kinda makes me chuckle a bit reading thru each post here... not in a bad way its just like everyone has their .02 and its stimulating! good nfo here dudes! muy interesante. the deca phenomenon!!

    side note: Oh alex r. whos that in ur avy bro??
    my babe, mary kay letreneou.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    aint no thing bro. i have personally only done deca once. but it probably is one the best all around choices for novice bbers. very mild sides and good gains. i am actually getting ready to run his little brother the next few days as a matter of fact and am really looking forward to it. . from what i have heard it is supposed to be easier to recover from the shorter ester .....we'll see in about 8 to 10 weeks.
    btw i really admire the patrick bateman avatar.

  35. #35
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex Rodriguez View Post
    ok guys some of u are misinterpeting what i am asking... what i am asking is that is that does 1000mg of deca and 2000mg of deca really differ in terms of shutting u down, and this goes for one steroid, if one already shuts you down completely and u take the same one but twice as much and for just as long, is it going to be harder to get ur natural test back?
    only in terms of the duration.. but suppression is suppression and it will be a rapid onset w/ deca
    but due to the half life it will take a lil longer for the 2g dosing fo deca to clear from your system than the 1g to allow for nattural recovery

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex Rodriguez View Post
    btw i really admire the patrick bateman avatar.
    have you seen my new business card....... gotta love it

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    have you seen my new business card....... gotta love it
    have you seen mine? it even has a watermark... american psycho is the most f*cking awesome movie of all time.
    Last edited by Alex Rodriguez; 02-07-2008 at 10:42 AM.

  38. #38
    kick6 is offline Banned
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    shutdown is is dose dependent,but once you reach COMPLETE shutdown larger doses aren't going to matter.

    Recovery time, from what I've seen, is more closely related to length of total shutdown than it is to dosage.

  39. #39
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    aint no thing bro. i have personally only done deca once. but it probably is one the best all around choices for novice bbers. very mild sides and good gains. i am actually getting ready to run his little brother the next few days as a matter of fact and am really looking forward to it. . from what i have heard it is supposed to be easier to recover from the shorter ester .....we'll see in about 8 to 10 weeks.
    i ran npp a couple cycles back and loved it!350 mg a week with prop of course.for the first 2 weeks i knw i was sutdown but after that i was fine.npp for me was no problem recovering will love it!!.....repped

  40. #40
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    put it this way NJORD..if i was to turn a hose with running water off! is it possible to turn it off harder? NO but i could turn it off faster and it could take longer to turn back on! YES!!!! EXPLAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! QUESTION IS ANSWERED! THIS IS ALL TH PROOF WE NEED. DONT NEED ANY STUDIES OR OTHER INFO TO EXPLAIN!

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