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  1. #1
    nathan_2k8 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008

    Question Cycle Advice Needed! Tren / Sust / Winny / Letro . You Guys Know Best !!!

    250mg sustanon ew
    200mg tren enthanate ew
    stanozolol orals 30mg ed
    letrozole 0.25mg - 2.5mg if gyno worsens
    Vitamin B6 200mg ed, more if necessary

    I'm going to be running a course of Tren E at 200mg ew with 250mg of Sus250 ew (rather this to frequent propionate jags) and 30mg of oral Winny ed. To combat estrogen from the sust im thinking letrozole would be a good call because I'd like to see if it will clear up puffy nips, I've had these since my teens and there is a small pea sized lump under each, hopefully the letro will wipe it out whilst acting as an anti e to the sust keeping things stable. I'm also going to run Vit-B6 to try and be on the safe side all along 200mg ed. The aim of the cycle is to lose body fat,cut up and gain as much lean muscle as possible whilst getting rid of gyno/reducing chest fat/puffy nips.
    I'd value your opinions, I'd like the tren as evenly balanced as I can get it with the sust to keep the nuts tickin over, more like chugging what I've been reading on tren lol
    I've ran nolva PCT and not noticed any difference, I used arimiedex for a short period and it reduced the puffyness but not 100% and that was at 0.5 a day.
    I hope you guys get where I'm coming from and I'd greatly appreciate your knowledge, letro sounds like great stuff but I hear there is a strong rebound once u come off it, apart from cycling down on it what else can I do to avoid rebound and any other PCT tips for this cycle, as much info as possible guys


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Under your bed.....
    you do know that sus should be shot eod and you can get away with prop shots eod. Also 30mgs of winny ed imo wont do much should use 50 to 60mg ed. I didnt even read that whole essay you wrote but honestly by the looks of it you need to read a lil more on aas dont take it the wrong way i dont wanna sound like a dick.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Under your bed.....
    you should also list some macros and stats

  4. #4
    nathan_2k8 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008
    I've ran a few cycles before and I've read as much as I can on the internet, it comes down to a battle of opinions. Each opinion backed up by some fact, proven or unproven who knows? I just want to know from people who have ran the gear and can sum it up.
    Better safe than sorry u know

  5. #5
    nathan_2k8 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008
    I'll look on uping the amount of winny then ive read anything from 15-50 mg ed to eod

  6. #6
    nathan_2k8 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Possibly a simple winny/letro for 8 weeks and see how things go from there, take the tren and test alone closer to the summer.

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