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  1. #1
    winright007 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008

    I am Tall and Skinny. Need answers please.

    About two years ago I was taking Dianabol . 20mg a day for 6 weeks and also taking weight gaining powder mixed with milk. I had acheived my goal of 185 lbs. with an additional 5 lbs. I had to lose. Most of my lifting was upper body because I did not want to gain too much and did not want to lose my kicking speed.

    I guess I am asking for some advice on what I should take and how much. I have searched and searched and cannot find any information for guys with my problem, which is being tall and skinny. I am 6' 2" tall and right now I weigh an embarrassing 160 lbs. I have always hated this about myself.

    I am doing this partially for cosmetics, but for the most part I need to be stronger. I was taking the Dianabol to prepare for an MMA match and I think it worked, but I am not sure if it was the weight gainer or the D-bol. I do recall feeling better about myself, but that could have been due to me gaining the weight and just naturally feeling more confident. (By the way, I won my match in the second round via ground and pound.).
    I have another match in July and I need to start preparing now, and is the reason I am asking for some advice.

  2. #2
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    well you lost all your gains because D-bol only is a shitty cycle. You need Food and a good diet plan before even thinking about AAS. You should research. If you read the Edu threads then your questions will be answewed

    Post your Stats

  3. #3
    bigjamie's Avatar
    bigjamie is offline Associate Member
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    Congrats on winning your last fight. You havent mentioned what your diet is like. Or what type of weights training you are doing in addition to your fight training to help yourself get stronger. These two things are probably way more important than what AS you should use. If you dont have your diet and weight training routine in check you are not going to gain and retain strength. I trained for years Kickboxing and I ran with a few types of AS but I made my best strength gains when I realised i needed a proper diet and weight training. By the way I ran Test Prop and Winny in the lead up to my fights I also ran Anvavar a few times. I am not saying these are the best compounds but just what I used and had some success with. My most memorable fight was when I won and I didnt use anything in the lead up. Just my big heart. Good luck with your next fight champ.

  4. #4
    winright007 is offline New Member
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    Sorry, I forgot to mention that I didn't try to keep the gains on and expected to lose everything. That's what I can't stand about my genetics. I have to work my ass off to gain weight, and then when I stop the workouts I lose everything including every bit of fat. I am guessing that I have a rediculously fast metabolism. It can't be normal to be my height and only weigh 160 lbs.

    I have had blood work done and other check-ups as a requirement for the MMA training, and everything always comes back normal.

  5. #5
    winright007 is offline New Member
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    Thanks bigjamie.

    I was typing my last post while yours came in, so it is out of order.

    I think I will read some more in the Edu threads as CheddaNipps posted. I just really need that extra edge due to my physique.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    agree with bigjamie. Once you get down the diet and workout routine you'll see the gains and it'll look and feel good. You'll also feel like a champ for doing it without AAS. Some guys can slide on the commitment, others cant, but when you do it right, well it will work.

  7. #7
    N4cer's Avatar
    N4cer is offline Member
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    Weight gained/lost/kept is all about nutrition.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Der schmutzig Süd
    Nutrition + Keep lifiting heavy. id say 70% 30% , respectively.

    No matter how much you eat it wont mattter if you dont keep the muscle used to heavy weights.

  9. #9
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    Myself and you probably have similar metabolisms as I was your weight when I started to train and I am 6'2". I will post moe later but I found that the most important thing for myself to gain weight was my diet. The good thing is I could cheat more than others as long as I kept the calories high. In the beginning I was eating everything in sight. Now I try to keep a clean diet so I can maintain my gains while keeping fat down. I am now about 205 and around 11 - 12 percent BF.

    As for shakes try N-Large with whole milk and flax seed oil. If you dont have time to eat pack a few PBJ sandwiches since you can afford to eat a higher content of fat.

    How many days a week are you working out and what does your training routine look like?

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