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Thread: advice on winny

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    new york

    Question advice on winny

    whats up everyone??? my next cycle will be 400mg Eq/wk and 800mg of cyp/wk for 8 weeks. I am considering upping my Eq to 600mg/wk, but before i do that i am investing in a bottle of winny, hopefully i can get my hands on the 100mg/ml in the near future. so my question is, i see a lot of people that only do winny for about 6 weeks or less, is there any reason for me not to carry it out for the full 8 weeks at 100mg/day?? also, just out of curiosity, how do any of you feel about t3 or clen instead of winny?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Over there.

    Re: advice on winny

    Originally posted by nymattyk
    whats up everyone??? my next cycle will be 400mg Eq/wk and 800mg of cyp/wk for 8 weeks. I am considering upping my Eq to 600mg/wk, but before i do that i am investing in a bottle of winny, hopefully i can get my hands on the 100mg/ml in the near future. so my question is, i see a lot of people that only do winny for about 6 weeks or less, is there any reason for me not to carry it out for the full 8 weeks at 100mg/day?? also, just out of curiosity, how do any of you feel about t3 or clen instead of winny?
    The reason for six weeks of Winny is that it is hard on the liver.

    You could probably stretch it to eight weeks, but that is the absolute maximum, if you want your liver to keep functioning.

    The EQ at 400 MG for eight weeks would be okay as well. You could actually turn that in to a 10 week cycle using the following stack.

    Test Cyp
    Weeks 1-8

    Weeks 1-8

    Weeks 5-10

    Start clomid therapy one week after last Winny injection.

    You could use clen post cycle to help keep your gains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yep your liver is indeed the limiting factor here. XBiker gave some good advice. Take milk thistle @ 1 g divided over the day, dido with cranberry extract and try for at least 600mg of alpha lipoic acid. Also, drink pant-loads of water (2-3 gallons ED).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I have run winny for 10 weeks @ 50mg/ED no problem. Only real side I got is some joint ache. Once you get this you know the shit is real. Winy can also dehydrate you if you are not careful. It robs your body of potassium. So you may want to supplement with some Slow K or other potassium pills.

    You should use liver protectants. A lot of people recommend milk thistle. My opinion 100mgs is kinda high.

    You can throw T3 in the last 4, 5 weeks of your cycle, clen can be added two weeks on, two off. I would stack all and keep winny too.

    You are going to need anti-estrogens like arimidex, do not start cycle without it. Also you will need clomid post cycle to get back some nutz.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    Thank you Nate

    Finally someone saying 2-3G of water a day. Everyone is always, drink a gallon and your fine. Man, I know im not the only one here that drinks roughly a gallon within an hour or two of getting up in the morning, so yes, 2-3...even more if you're thirsty...This is one case, where the more, the better. IMO

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    can someone explain a good dosage for arimidex if i'm running a 10 week cycle of 500mg sus with 400mg eq. in weeks 6-11 winny 50mg/ed. planning on clomid 3 weeks after last sus inject too. Should i use the arimidex?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Thank you Nate

    Originally posted by PaPaPumP
    Finally someone saying 2-3G of water a day. Everyone is always, drink a gallon and your fine. Man, I know im not the only one here that drinks roughly a gallon within an hour or two of getting up in the morning, so yes, 2-3...even more if you're thirsty...This is one case, where the more, the better. IMO
    Yo yo 'sright. S'up?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Re: arimidex

    Originally posted by jrock34
    can someone explain a good dosage for arimidex if i'm running a 10 week cycle of 500mg sus with 400mg eq. in weeks 6-11 winny 50mg/ed. planning on clomid 3 weeks after last sus inject too. Should i use the arimidex?
    Use the Arimidex! Better to be safe than sorry, unlike a lot of guys on these boards who post pics of their bitch tits.
    I use 0.5mg ED if you are experiencing any sides like bloat and sore nips you might want to up the dose to 1mg. Stay there till symptons desist then go back to 0.5mgs.
    Everyone is different so experiment and find a dose that works for you.
    Tabs from Zeneca are usually 1mg. So use half a tab a day. If you have liquidex then use the equivilent.

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