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  1. #1
    GLEnELG is offline New Member
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    y no support 4 tapering down???

    Hello everybody!

    This is my first ever post because I can usually just do a search and get answers to any question that I might have on this site and a heap of experience n knowlage pops up along with it! There's just one thing that bothers me..
    I find steroid .com one of the most informative sites around and put alot of trust into it as I do its experienced members yet there is conflicting interests between the two when it comes to "tapering down"..
    Unless I have become suddenly retarded and therefore can't use the "search" function properly anymore, there are little or no members that agree with this following statement written be;

    Prepare for day X slowly and steadily The athlete should stop taking the strongly androgenic steroids approximately four weeks before interrupting the steroid regime. When tablets such as Dianabol or Anadrol are taken, these are to be reduced slowly and evenly within fourteen days so that exactly two weeks before day X the oral intake of predominantly androgenic, steroids is terminated. Those who take injectable, androgenic steroids such as Testosterone or Parabolan reduce these to zero within four weeks so that their intake will end on day X. The milder, oral steroids such as Primobolan S, Winstrol , Oxandrolone, Oral-Turinabol , etc. are slowly and evenly reduced fourteen days before day X so that after two weeks they are no longer taken. It is sufficient when the dosage of the "weaker" injectable steroids such as Deca -Durabolin , Primobolan Depot, Winstrol Depot is reduced to half of their intake about one week before termination.

    Avoid an abrupt discontinuance of all steroids at the same time because the body would enter an immediate catabolic phase. The cortisone receptors will be free and in combination with the low testosterone and androgen levels a considerable loss of strength and mass, and an increase of fat and water, and often gynecomastia will occur. Gynecomastia is possible because the suddenly low androgen level shifts the relationship in favor of the estrogens which suddenly become the domineering hormone. Especially eye-catching is also the extreme listlessness to training or sex and a generally weak state of mind of several athletes. If not forced because of medical reasons never discontinue steroids "cold turkey"

    Here is the link -

    Am I reading this wrong somehow? (I am pretty tired)

    It seems to make sence why this should be done but I can't find any supporting evedence from members..

    Really I suppose I'd like to hear what's best from a doctor of some kind who is in the know but all feedback will be appreciated.

    From what I gather there pros and cons to stoppong from 500mg of test to 0 all of a sudden and the same with tapering.

    I am a newbie just trying to do my research before I start my 1st cycle.

    Thanks for reading!

  2. #2
    hobbs9963's Avatar
    hobbs9963 is offline Associate Member
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    I've heard for years that you should pyramid, simply to see how your body reacts to the compound. I've never went full tilt from beginning to end. I've had good cycles pyramiding or tapering everything. Like to get my body used to it at the beginning, and won't stop cold turkey at the end either. That's just me though.

  3. #3
    GLEnELG is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobbs9963 View Post
    I've heard for years that you should pyramid, simply to see how your body reacts to the compound. I've never went full tilt from beginning to end. I've had good cycles pyramiding or tapering everything. Like to get my body used to it at the beginning, and won't stop cold turkey at the end either. That's just me though.
    Yes, this is the way I am leaning but not so much pyramiding (Frontloading infact) and then tapering at the end..

    Thanks though!

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    because your body is either shut down or it is not. Lowering the dose doesnt mean your body will start to recover. so the theory about why pyramiding would work doesnt. Same in the begining. Your body doesnt need time to adjust to the aas

  5. #5
    GLEnELG is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    because your body is either shut down or it is not. Lowering the dose doesnt mean your body will start to recover. so the theory about why pyramiding would work doesnt. Same in the begining. Your body doesnt need time to adjust to the aas
    Thanks gixxer, points taken but my question is why does it say what it does in this website as in my origional post and reccomend doing it before pct? If it is wrong, why?

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by GLEnELG View Post
    Thanks gixxer, points taken but my question is why does it say what it does in this website as in my origional post and reccomend doing it before pct? If it is wrong, why?
    because its old and hasnt been updated. Same with alot of the profiles on speicif aas

  7. #7
    GLEnELG is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    because its old and hasnt been updated. Same with alot of the profiles on speicif aas
    Really?? Thanks for the heads up! They really should do something about that b4 someone makes the wrong decisions Is there an up to date site that you can send me the link to that contains a simular amount of detail? Cos as I said I'm new and therefore can easily be mislead by wrong info at the moment.. Appreciated very much.

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Read the sticky's on here and then use the search feature for anything more specific

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