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  1. #1
    agiraldo is offline Junior Member
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    please delete.

    Last edited by agiraldo; 06-06-2009 at 10:21 PM. Reason: delete

  2. #2
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Sounds like scar tissue to me if you have been to the doc and everything. Were you just injecting in that one spot or more often the usual?

  3. #3
    agiraldo is offline Junior Member
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    Honestly, It was EOD I switching it around from delts to glutes.

    But I did inject 2 1/2 cc's into that glute and thats when it all started

    Do you have any advice? Anybody ever gone through this?

  4. #4
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    If youve been opened up and been on anti-biotics, it may just take time before it subsides.

  5. #5
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    wow your doc opened it up without knowing what it roughly was? not even any time for anti-biotics to kick in? or was it after them he did that?

  6. #6
    agiraldo is offline Junior Member
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    he just made a small incision and then tried to drain it,but nothing came out?

    It doesn't bother me until I press on it then it just feels somewhat uncomfortable.

    What do you guys think it could be?

  7. #7
    agiraldo is offline Junior Member
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    Any other opinions or insights?

    Thanks guys!

  8. #8
    MikeAZ's Avatar
    MikeAZ is offline Junior Member
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    I had one probably twice the size. I read a training article from my girls nursing book on injections. It stated that all medicine (AAS) must be injected intramuscally. It stated that if any of the meds get caught in the fat tissue it will not absorb and cause a bump for several weeks. It stated that the body has to break down the med and then filter it out of your system. That is the reason it takes awhile to go away. Don’t get to scared reading the shit off of the net, I read some pretty nasty stuff and scared myself shitless! Also some tip to prevent is to use a 22g x 1.5" needle for your glute. When the needle is fully inserted inject the meds very slow, this gives the muscle time to absorb the AAS. Think of it like a sponge. Just give it some time and you should be fine.

  9. #9
    Fatmax is offline Junior Member
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    Ya just wait and if your really concerned ask for a ultra sound and that should tell them what it is. How deep is the lump... example.... .25 inch .5 .75? can you move it around? Does it feel like hard lump or has a softer texture? Flex a little to feel its form but don't agravate it.

  10. #10
    cessnacaptain is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by agiraldo View Post
    Been doing a testp/fina cycle well on week 3 which was about 3 weeks ago I developed a knot about the size of a quarter or a little smaller but its hard on one of my injection sites.

    I have finished my cycle but the knot is still in my glute.

    I never got a fever, never got itchy never got hot.b So it possible couldn't be an abscess...

    I went to the doctor and he put me on bactrim and cephalexin for a week . He also opened it up but nothing was there not even pusss.....

    Could it be scar tissue? It does not hurt but is a little sensitive to the touch.

    Where do I go from herE?

    Hey you ever heal or find out what was wrong. I have the same problem now and was wondering how you fixed the problem. thanks

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