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Thread: Starting my third cycle, need advice.

  1. #1

    Starting my third cycle, need advice.

    ok right now I have just got some Omnadren 250 and Deca 300. I was thinking of taking in about 750mg of the Omna and 300mg of the Deca a week. Does this sound like too much and also does anyone suggest anything else to add to the stack. From experience what would you recomend?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Add some d-bol weeks 1-4 @ 40mgs e/d.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...

    Re: Starting my third cycle, need advice.

    Originally posted by Flexx112
    ok right now I have just got some Omnadren 250 and Deca 300. I was thinking of taking in about 750mg of the Omna and 300mg of the Deca a week. Does this sound like too much and also does anyone suggest anything else to add to the stack. From experience what would you recomend?
    Sounds fine to me...As mbaraso said, you could throw in some drol or dbol if you wanted...

  4. #4
    Thanks everyone, I might put some dbol in there. What should I expect from this cycle. Im sure I will need to add some clomid in there and take it 3 weeks after my last injection of the Deca. Anything else I may need. Just wanna make sure this stack is perfect.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Take some milkthissle starting 10 days before you start your cycle.
    run it untill the 4th week. It will help protect your liver.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    nobody can tell you what to expect frorm this cycle, you will get whatevr you put into it, if you eat alot and get all your protein in, and your water, and vitamins, then you can expect to get good gains. but if you are not hitting the weights hard and not getting enough sleep and recovery time, then the AS will not work miracles. basically you get whatever you put it. if you put in 100% then you could gain a good 20 pounds of quality muscle. Slide!

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