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  1. #1
    Pituitary's Avatar
    Pituitary is offline New Member
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    Mixing HCG. Please help me.

    About to start a bulking cycle as follows :-
    DRUGS USED : Deca @250mg/ml, Sustanon @250mg/ml, Aromasin @ 25mg/ml, Nolvadex @ 25mg/ml, HCG 1 x 5000iu, Albuterol @ 4mg/ml
    DAY 1 : Frontload - 2ml SUS, 1.5ml DECA
    Then 2 days later:-

    Weeks 1 - 10 - DECA @ 0.5ml E4Ds = 218mg EW
    Weeks 1 - 12 - SUS @ 0.5ml EOD = 437mg EW, Aromasin @ 0.4ml ED -> 7.5mg ED
    Weeks 13 - 15 - Prepare Balls for PCT
    HCG @ 500iu EOD for 10 shots (I am gyno sensitive so want to use minimum for first time)
    Up Aromasin to 25mg ED
    Nolvadex 20mg ED
    MDIEN 6 x 4mg ED
    Weeks 16 - 19 (4 Weeks)
    Continue Aromasin @ 25mg ED
    Up Nolvadex to 50mg ED (First 2 weeks then down to 25mg ED thereafter)
    Albuterol @ 4mg ED

    Weeks 20 - 21 (Further 2 weeks)
    Nolvadex 25mg ED
    I would really appreciate anyones help regarding mixing & administering the HCG as I have never used it before. I have researched as much as possible
    but wanted to check that I am getting it spot on. Firstly I will be injecting it IM. I do not want to preload any syringes to store in the fridge as my dad
    might find them so would rather transfer to a vial to put in fridge.

    Q1. Am I correct in thinking that the 1ml solvent that comes with the HCG only lasts for a few days onced mixed so I could bin it and buy some Bacteriostatic
    Water instead which would then last about 1 month. Also these come in 30ml so how long will this water last; thinking of using for future cycles.

    Q2. Is this correct:-
    1. Will use a 1ml Syringe with 21G (Green) needle for drawing
    2. Break open the 5000iu HCG amp with the powder.
    3. Use Syringe/Needle to withdraw 1ml from BW vial
    4. Slowly Inj the BW down side of HCG amp with powder in
    5. Withdraw the newly mixed HCG into same syringe
    6. Inject it into brand new sealed 10ml Vial
    7. Withdraw another 1ml of BW & inject into sealed vial. Repeat 3 times so put in 4ml
    8. Sealed vial now contains a total of 5ml BW giving 1000iu per ml
    9. Shake vial??? Read this but also read that you have to be careful when constructing
    10. Withdraw 0.5ml (500iu) from vial then switch needle to 25G (Orange) and inject IM

    Q3. Are you meant to inject straight from the fridge cold or wait a bit to heat up a liitle bit

    Q4. Is the Nolvadex necessary to take along with the HCG or is the Aromasin enough?

    Q5. Do you need to take Vitamin E supps with the HCG and if so why?

    I understand that you usually use a slin pin and inject Sub Q but would rather use this method if it is correct. Also appreciate any comments/views on cycle, PCT

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    UK - A Backward Part
    have replied in the same thread you posted in the PCT section...

  3. #3
    Pituitary's Avatar
    Pituitary is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Whoops. Sorry just realised posted this twice.

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