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  1. #1
    operationgetbig's Avatar
    operationgetbig is offline Senior Member
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    after you tell your doc you take steroids...

    i just recently told my doc that i took steroids . i've gotten bloodwork done and everything was ok for the most part. i do have high bp but im getting that taken care of with meds and cardio. im kinda afraid of telling her that im gonna do another cycle once i get my high bp under control. do you think it's ok to just do my cycle and just make an appointment after my pct then tell her i did another cycle and ask her to give me another bloodtest and check my testosterone levels . i dont wanna deal with getting another lecture. but i dont really care telling her after i did a cycle cause i cant turn back time and undo what i did.

  2. #2
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Thats fine bro....but you can get bloodwork at your request anyway...i know i can...just know all docs will moan about steroids (well not all)...most dont much about them anyway...

  3. #3
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    talk to her and educate her... if you know what your talking about yourself then SOME doctors will enjoy the debate.. of course others will just be a-holes about it.

    my doc was mega cool about it and have had some good chats with her... infact she jokes about not letting the trainiee nurses come and inspect me! lol

  4. #4
    operationgetbig's Avatar
    operationgetbig is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    Thats fine bro....but you can get bloodwork at your request anyway...i know i can...just know all docs will moan about steroids(well not all)...most dont much about them anyway...
    yeah my doc is definately is anti steroid . she freaked out when i told her i did a cycle then had high bp. she started blaming it on the steroids . but both of my parents have high bp and both my brother have high bp too. im pretty sure it's genetic. i dont think the steroids helped my bp but it was pretty much inevitable that i would have high bp eventually. my testosterone levels are already back to normal and i just recently finished my pct. all im waiting for is getting my bp under control then im ready to start up a new cycle.

  5. #5
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    yes you're was genetic as mine is're doing things right bro...during cycle keep an eye on your BP...and just some advise try to stay away from compounds that you know automatically raise BP..Dbol ,Adrol...also compounds that raise RBC should be done mildly...rememeber more RBC thicker blood,thicker hermatocrit heart has to work harder....High BP.

  6. #6
    operationgetbig's Avatar
    operationgetbig is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    yes you're was genetic as mine is're doing things right bro...during cycle keep an eye on your BP...and just some advise try to stay away from compounds that you know automatically raise BP..Dbol,Adrol...also compounds that raise RBC should be done mildly...rememeber more RBC thicker blood,thicker hermatocrit heart has to work harder....High BP.
    yeah im pretty sure it was my test/eq cycle that i did 2 cycles ago that made my bp go up. never gonna touch eq again. gains werent great and was probably the cause of my high bp. not worth it imo. i was planning on doing a test/deca /adrol cycle for my next one. do u think i can get away with kickstarting my cycle with 4 weeks of adrol at 100mg/ed. And just keep an eye on my bp and if it starts to get high discontinue the adrol and continue with the test and deca.

  7. #7
    browboy's Avatar
    browboy is offline Associate Member
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    Dude I can totally relate. I did a cycle with Eq and I had the same results. Not really great gains and my bp went up as well. The cycle ended in August, and I still am dealing with the bp issue. I am not convinced that it is all due to the eq either, but not sure. Always had low bp (117/75) prior to running the cycle, and then it went up and am on Atenolol and Benicar HCT. They have definately brought it down, but I am hoping to actually get off of it eventually. I am going through a divorce, so I also believe that the stress from all of that is affecting my bp. But I agree, I will never touch eq again!

  8. #8
    Bossman's Avatar
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    See if you can find a local sports doctor. I was lucky enough to find a doctor who works with the local teams. He's an athelete himself and also practices alternative medicine. No lectures from him, just advise on how to keep me as healthy as possible while I practice bodybuilding. He's run my blood and advised ancillaries to help with blood pressure, prostate and liver. And there has been the occassional cortisone injection. My regular doc wanted an MRI before he would allow a cortisone inj.

    I still see my regular doc but have not told him a thing about AAS use.

  9. #9
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    My Dr here in Singapore is a legend. I told him I was doing it, explained what I was doing, that I was a big boy, and that I knew more about steroids than he will ever know and that I was going to do it regardless of whether he agreed or not. He took it all in his stride, did some research of his own, and now he fully supports what I am doing and even suggests things for me to watch, especially when prescribing other meds if I am sick.

  10. #10
    White Ghost's Avatar
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    My doc’s cool about it, he does all the blood work I ask of him.

  11. #11
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    One thing to remember when talking to your Primary Care Physician:

    Everything you tell him or her goes down in your permanent record... forever.
    Every doctor you ever have will have potential access to your complete history of steroid use . Depending on how paranoid you are, you might want to consider if HMO's, insurance companies, and ultimately the Government, will one day look at your medical records to "safeguard the quality of your care" to "ensure optimal healthcare delivery" (or whatever they'll use as an excuse to deny you coverage and/or prosecute you.)

    Patient/doctor confidentiality does not apply if "a law has been broken" or if the physician thinks that "someone may be harmed"... or if the records are needed for "an ongoing criminal investigation".

    Just being the voice of paranoia, friends.


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