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Thread: Hgh Help!!!

  1. #1

    Hgh Help!!!

    Hey guys im 23 years old and iam 195 good size some flab... Iam about to take a hgh cycle... My goal is to get more cut while gain some size... Should i be lifting heavy weight low reps or light weight high reps to reach my goal... Also because i want to get more cut should i ramp up the cardio while im on or wait until im off? Also i was told to take a shot every morning m-f for 5 weeks would this be correct... any help with linsk or post would greatly be appreciated...

  2. #2
    Also where should inject? directly into my target area like my stomach?

  3. #3
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    Jan 2007
    5 weeks is a complete waste of time and money

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord View Post
    5 weeks is a complete waste of time and money

  5. #5
    haha im not look to be like jay cutler in that time. i just want to lose 10 lbs of fat and put muscle behind it

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sully View Post
    haha im not look to be like jay cutler in that time. i just want to lose 10 lbs of fat and put muscle behind it
    hgh would not make you look like Cutler anyway, but as stated 5 weeks is just a waste. If you are going to run it for fat loss and a bit of muscle think more like 6 months or more.

  7. #7
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    Wow... I dont know what to say other then I think you may have your priorities a bit confused and really should rethink or come up with a real game plan. Not trying to knock you bro... but you are asking about some really basic concepts that you're lacking knowledge on (in regards to training)

    1st off IMO you are not ready for hgh and are far too young to start it. Also, whowever gave you info on cycling hgh is dead wrong... actually not even close!

    Bro, get your diet in check, train hard as a MOFO... and hit some cardio daily. Build your foundation, stop looking for the magic pill and bust your ass for a little while. Always make sure you are the one working out the hardest in your gym and then you will make things happen!

    Remember... sharp dieting, a quality training game plan, and hard work must come first. If it doesn't no amount of hgh or gear will help you. You will end up always taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back if you try and take the magic pill approach.

  8. #8
    okay and how should i lift? heavy like im bulk or light high reps like im cutting?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by sully View Post
    okay and how should i lift? heavy like im bulk or light high reps like im cutting?
    personally I would use both. your 1st compound movement should be heavy and lower reps your next exercises moderate weight with your reps in the 8-12 range. finish off with some high rep burn outs if you want. when your done hit some cardio for 20 to 30 min. on your off days bump your cardio up to 30-45 min. keeping in mind that every work out you want to beat what you did last time... i dont care if it's with weight or reps... push yourself.

  10. #10
    Thanks for your help... How about injection sites.. will it benifit to inject into stomach beacuse that is more of my target? ANy other links or tip would help out alot

  11. #11
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    i agree with RJ 100%.... i will even take it one step further. ANYBODY who is gonna take HGH should be so EXTREMELY knowledgable about not only HGH but aas also. bro you should be ANSWERING questions on this board not asking them if you think you are ready for HGH. i am not saying people who use HGH dont have questions. but workouts and daily routine of administration should be so clear before you take HGH. its too bad you have no idea and you are gonna do it anyways.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by sully View Post
    Thanks for your help... How about injection sites.. will it benifit to inject into stomach beacuse that is more of my target? ANy other links or tip would help out alot
    Since it doesn't look like I can talk you out of it here it goes... LOL.

    You need to run it a minimal 6 months to a year. I prefer to inject on either side of my belly botton. Start around 2-3 iu's daily split between a morning and night shot also you should take at least one day off per week. If you decide to go 5 days on 2 off... don't take your off days in a row... take wed. & sun. off for example. Remember no carbs 1 hour before and after injection... this is important. I find it easiest to get up and hour early inject, go back to bed and then eat breakfast. At night eat dinner wait and hour inject and than it 's off to dreamland. you can bump up your dose as your body adjusts to it but I would wait a month or so. I've had good results at 4 iu's in terms of fat loss so no need to go crazy. besides it ain't cheap. Get yourself at least 6 kits or be damn sure you know they are coming before you get started or as mentioned above you will just waist time and money. Hgh is about the long haul so be patient and work hard.
    Last edited by RJstrong; 02-15-2008 at 09:37 PM.

  13. #13
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    I think I already regret telling you that...LOL

    good luck bro... I wish you well. Just try and rethink what you're doing and it would be nice if you waited till you were closer to 30.

    Oh well... i tried!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJstrong View Post
    Since it doesn't look like I can talk you out of it here it goes... LOL.

    You need to run it a minimal 6 months to a year. I prefer to inject on either side of my belly botton. Start around 2-3 iu's daily split between a morning and night shot also you should take at least one day off per week. If you decide to go 5 days on 2 off... don't take your off days in a row... take wed. & sun. off for example. Remember no carbs 1 hour before and after injection... this is important. I find it easiest to get up and hour early inject, go back to bed and then eat breakfast. At night eat dinner wait and hour inject and than it 's off to dreamland. you can bump up your dose as your body adjusts to it but I would wait a month or so. I've had good results at 4 iu's in terms of fat loss so need to go crazy. besides it ain't cheap. Get yourself at least 6 kits or be damn sure you know they are coming before you get started or as mentioned above you will just waist time and money. Hgh is about the long haul so be patient and work hard.

    i love it when somebody proves my point.....this guy knows his shit and can legitimately use HGH and give advice. knowledge is power bro and lack of knowledge can cause you serious problems.......

  15. #15
    Thanks you da man... any others would be of help

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by sully View Post
    Thanks you da man... any others would be of help
    He answered your question and then some, what else do you want to know?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    He answered your question and then some, what else do you want to know?
    Any other tip or advice on the cycle would help... thanks

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    tip1 bad idea
    tip2 not enough GH to make any desired affects
    tip3 bad idea
    tip4 to get your desrired affects i would try cardio and diet
    tip5 bad idea
    tip6 lil too young
    tip7 bad idea
    tip8 need more research before even thinking about GH
    tip 9 bad idea
    tip10 if ur over wieght it usually mean ur diet and cardio isnt in check so how are u going to have it in check when using gh?
    tip11 bad idea
    tip12 gh is not a majic shot and most people start a normal juice cycle 8-12 weeks before using HGH to for the benifits of raised IGF levels
    tip13 bad idea

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    tip1 bad idea
    tip2 not enough GH to make any desired affects
    tip3 bad idea
    tip4 to get your desrired affects i would try cardio and diet
    tip5 bad idea
    tip6 lil too young
    tip7 bad idea
    tip8 need more research before even thinking about GH
    tip 9 bad idea
    tip10 if ur over wieght it usually mean ur diet and cardio isnt in check so how are u going to have it in check when using gh?
    tip11 bad idea
    tip12 gh is not a majic shot and most people start a normal juice cycle 8-12 weeks before using HGH to for the benifits of raised IGF levels
    tip13 bad idea

    so do you really think its a bad idea?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    just my 2 cents! ha

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