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Since it doesn't look like I can talk you out of it here it goes... LOL.
You need to run it a minimal 6 months to a year. I prefer to inject on either side of my belly botton. Start around 2-3 iu's daily split between a morning and night shot also you should take at least one day off per week. If you decide to go 5 days on 2 off... don't take your off days in a row... take wed. & sun. off for example. Remember no carbs 1 hour before and after injection... this is important. I find it easiest to get up and hour early inject, go back to bed and then eat breakfast. At night eat dinner wait and hour inject and than it 's off to dreamland. you can bump up your dose as your body adjusts to it but I would wait a month or so. I've had good results at 4 iu's in terms of fat loss so need to go crazy. besides it ain't cheap. Get yourself at least 6 kits or be damn sure you know they are coming before you get started or as mentioned above you will just waist time and money. Hgh is about the long haul so be patient and work hard.