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Thread: new guy

  1. #1
    mikeyg343 is offline New Member
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    new guy

    hey guys im mike

    im 18 and about 5'8 120 looking to steroids to gain weight, considering i have been lifting hard and eating good since my junior year in high school..and have seen no results..i was thinking about taking something for about a week, lift hard as hell and build some muscle..because i know long term use will cause side effects and alter my testosterone levels ? idk..i just know i have to get big soon. any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    You have much to learn. Your diet is to blame, and there are many reasons why you should not use steroids . I'm not even going to list them all, others will surely chime in.

  3. #3
    lex57's Avatar
    lex57 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeyg343 View Post
    hey guys im mike

    im 18 and about 5'8 120 looking to steroids to gain weight, considering i have been lifting hard and eating good since my junior year in high school..and have seen no results..i was thinking about taking something for about a week, lift hard as hell and build some muscle..because i know long term use will cause side effects and alter my testosterone levels? idk..i just know i have to get big soon. any suggestions?
    get some sand bags and strap them to your body. you could put on 70 or 80 pounds overnight.

  4. #4
    djcj2002's Avatar
    djcj2002 is offline Associate Member
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    You will be able to gain if you EAT, EAT, EAT. Everything you can get to, you need to EAT. Your natural test levels are very high right now ( with you being 18). You need to take advantage of that. I can promise you that steroids are not a magic pill that make you look like a monster overnight. The most important things are diet and training.

  5. #5
    slayer1983 is offline Associate Member
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    hows taking something for a week going to makea big difrence can u maybe descirbe to us what u claim to be working out har d and a good diet so then we may better able to assit you

  6. #6
    BIGMIKETORR's Avatar
    BIGMIKETORR is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by djcj2002 View Post
    You will be able to gain if you EAT, EAT, EAT. Everything you can get to, you need to EAT. Your natural test levels are very high right now ( with you being 18). You need to take advantage of that. I can promise you that steroids are not a magic pill that make you look like a monster overnight. The most important things are diet and training.
    ^^^ agree he is absolutely right

    18 Y.O + proper diet + hard training= something that steroids cant do
    Bro stick around here and u will learn alot from these awesome people and you will learn alot about proper diet and training and you'll have that wonderful body in no time.

  7. #7
    N4cer's Avatar
    N4cer is offline Member
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    You've been handed the truth. Choose to accept it.

  8. #8
    breakbones's Avatar
    breakbones is offline Senior Member
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    EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Steroids is not a magic solution

  9. #9
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Steroids are not Magic Beans.

  10. #10
    N4cer's Avatar
    N4cer is offline Member
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    Hormones, food, and growing tie together very simply.

    If you're not gaining from lifting and food, you can't gain from steroids (or from increasing your dosages). It's like this:

    Your body = new building being built
    Nutrition = bricks
    Hormones = workers

    Now you already have some workers, but not enough bricks or you'd be growing. So if you bring on more workers, they won't help since you're already short on bricks.

  11. #11
    djcj2002's Avatar
    djcj2002 is offline Associate Member
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    ^^^Nice way to put it.

  12. #12
    jch3131's Avatar
    jch3131 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by N4cer View Post
    Hormones, food, and growing tie together very simply.

    If you're not gaining from lifting and food, you can't gain from steroids (or from increasing your dosages). It's like this:

    Your body = new building being built
    Nutrition = bricks
    Hormones = workers

    Now you already have some workers, but not enough bricks or you'd be growing. So if you bring on more workers, they won't help since you're already short on bricks.
    Well done sir! You should make that into a childrens book.

  13. #13
    STED's Avatar
    STED is offline Associate Member
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    EAT EAT EAT is right, but dont eat shit, ya need a good balanced diet. Eating alot of the wrong stuffs going to put fat on yah and thats not the kinda weight you wanna be gainin! Eat decent sized portions often through the day. But as its been said it depends on how hard your training really is. Sleeps and rests a big part of gaining size to. I took steroids at 17 but i was given bad advice and wouldnt of started so early looking at what i know now.

  14. #14
    N4cer's Avatar
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    Hahaha. The little tren that could.

  15. #15
    N4cer's Avatar
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    To bulk, most eat even bad stuff. If you want to gain weight fast, eat it all. Not one truly BIG guy I know would gain if it wasn't for fast food and other junk.

  16. #16
    STED's Avatar
    STED is offline Associate Member
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    Suppose ya right, when im bulking i shove fast food inside me for calories, but people telling this lad to eat everything and not do AAS, just do it naturally for now. Just thought while hes not on AAS eat well so he wont gain to much fat, i understand the calorie intake when on the juice, then trim up later

  17. #17
    N4cer's Avatar
    N4cer is offline Member
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    Well true. Good point.

  18. #18
    mikeyg343 is offline New Member
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    is there any specific diet and workout you guys know of that i can do? maybe im not eating the right stuff..i guess thats where i need help

  19. #19
    djcj2002's Avatar
    djcj2002 is offline Associate Member
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    There are two forums devoted to these two things. Browse them. There is plenty of good info.

  20. #20
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    check diet forum..theres plenty to learn here and could make deacant results if u stick around for a bit and learn..dont give up because people say dont use steroids . just try harder naturally..steroids will only work if u eat right and train right. u must learn to do this before juice is invloved. plus u need a few years of training under ur belt!

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