I don't think I've ever seen anyone with so much
misinformation. You know a whole lot, you really do, but your application of said knowledge is severely misappropriated.
Let’s delve into this one.
After, and the key word is "after" cycle bb'ers use PCT for two primary reasons. First and most importantly, it bridges the time between the cessation of aas and the restoration of natty test, by using the body's own preference for synthetic estrogen to fill receptors, thus preventing actual estrogen from attaching at the receptor level. This prevents the Test/Estro ratio imbalance, which greatly favors estro at this time, from influencing and therefore promoting undesirable estrogenic responses. This is the primary intention and effect of pct. It also possesses the secondary effect of prodding the body to increase natty test production.
SERMs taken during cycle or in conjunction with aas, CANNOT be considered PCT as it is an obvious contradiction to both terminology and function.
POST-cycle-therapy simply CANNOT occur DURING cycle…that would make it "cycle-therapy" for which there are valid applications, but not the one you’re intending. This scenario would still provide the primary effect listed above, but not the secondary one. Once shut-down occurs, the testes cannot even begin natty restoration until supraphysiological doses are no longer sensed by the negative feedback loop, and even after aas clearance there is still a waiting period...the aforementioned “bridge” time. So PCT could never have the effect you’re proposing while even low doses of EQ are present, IF that is, they are taken succeeding a full Test cycle. Now were we just talking about low dose suppression cycle of aas, then sure, one could taper or phase out a drug by continually reducing the dosage.
Based on your Q's & A's in this thread, I think you should take some time to study some of the finer points of aas. But I must admit, you are a thinker...and I like that.