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  1. #1
    bobbyauburn is offline New Member
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    I need some opinions please

    I have been having some health problems, and wonder if you can give me some advice? So, I have been really depressed for like 1 1/2 years now and dont know why that is. Just feeling slow and tired all the time.A friend suggested i take some Testosterone .He hooked me up through the gym and i went on a cycle. I was doing cypionate test ( 1cc)with equipose as a stacker. Along with that, I took anavar pills once a day and some arimidex to block estrogen production. And some Bcaa 's ,Vitamins and protein. I did this for about 10-12 weeks and felt great. Then, I stopped cold turkey without doing any post cycle therapy and was doing fine except for the nerves started to come on. I went and saw a shrink and told him what i was feeling like because i have never felt that depressed or anxious before. He put me on Paxil. I have been taking this for like 10 days now and i dont like it. I feel like im carrying a log on my neck all the time. Is there something else i could take to feel better? did i throw off my hormones? It wont allow me to sleep that well and i am hungry all the time, not to mention i drink water like its goin out of style. I think my thyroid is up because im hot and my heart rate goes through the roof every morning when i wake up. So. i think its nerves and take more paxil. I just dont know if the Paxil is causing this or it was from the cycle and now its been about 2 1/2 months since i stopped and its out of my system. Is my body wanting some more testosterone? Or did i screw up my hormones which is causing an imbalance? What do you think or does anyone have any suggestions for me? Is there something i can take to put my hormones back in balance? thanks...let me know....

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I recommend going to a doctor and getting bloodwork done.

  3. #3
    STED's Avatar
    STED is offline Associate Member
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    test can have a positive affect on your well being, but it can also have the opposite affect to, ive experienced a bit of both! but agreeing wit Big you should see ya doc!

  4. #4
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
    AaronJM1984 is offline Member
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    It's not the Paxil making you feel crappy. Feeling crappy is a side effect of depression, then on top of that your test levels are probably low. I don't know what you were thinking not running PCT, not to flame you but it pisses me off that you have the nerve to stick a needle in your muscle for how ever many weeks, but can simply take a pill or a liquid to get your levels back to normal. Sounds to me like you are self-destructive, don't have much respect for your body. I can say this because I was there at one point. I suffer from depression (which is being treated now, feel great), to cope with my depression I used alochol and cocaine, finally said enough of that shit, got into therapy, got medicated, got educated, got BACK into the gym.

    Like they said, see a doctor. Don't stick anymore needles in your body, if you want test, get some tribulus.

    If you ever want to use steroids again for gods sake I'll buy your fricken clomid and send it to ya (not really) but c'mon its only 40 bucks, what PCT does for your body is priceless.

    Good luck bro! I hope you feel better, just remember the things that get you down and depressed won't matter a year from now.

  5. #5
    bobbyauburn is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AaronJM1984 View Post
    It's not the Paxil making you feel crappy. Feeling crappy is a side effect of depression, then on top of that your test levels are probably low. I don't know what you were thinking not running PCT, not to flame you but it pisses me off that you have the nerve to stick a needle in your muscle for how ever many weeks, but can simply take a pill or a liquid to get your levels back to normal. Sounds to me like you are self-destructive, don't have much respect for your body. I can say this because I was there at one point. I suffer from depression (which is being treated now, feel great), to cope with my depression I used alochol and cocaine, finally said enough of that shit, got into therapy, got medicated, got educated, got BACK into the gym.

    Like they said, see a doctor. Don't stick anymore needles in your body, if you want test, get some tribulus.

    If you ever want to use steroids again for gods sake I'll buy your fricken clomid and send it to ya (not really) but c'mon its only 40 bucks, what PCT does for your body is priceless.

    Good luck bro! I hope you feel better, just remember the things that get you down and depressed won't matter a year from now.
    Do you think if ive been off for like 2 months i could do some pct now?

  6. #6
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
    AaronJM1984 is offline Member
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    I would atleast get you a test booster (tribulus or something) I don't know about using anything like clomid or nolvadex . The vets around here will have to answer that. Did you lose all of your gains? I imagine you did, best thing now is to get your blood tested and see where you test level is at.

    Also I'd recommend against taking more Paxil than prescribed. Paxil isn't like a xanax, where you can just pop one when feeling sad or anxious, Paxil can take up to 5-8 weeks to feel effects, and thats at a steady dose. And whatever you do, don't abruptly stop taking you paxil, all of your symptoms will be tripled. People that kill themselves usually stopped taking their meds cold turkey and lost it. I've been on and off of it for years, not the right way either, y personality seemed to change by the month, I was either a big dick or loved the world.

    Using hormones to increase muscle can be risky when dealing with depression as well, many advise against it. Just need to say to yourself, hey this and this is going to happen, need to realize its just the imbalance in hormones or chemicals or whatever. Now I'm rambling.

  7. #7
    bigjamie's Avatar
    bigjamie is offline Associate Member
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    seek medical advise

  8. #8
    JSola's Avatar
    JSola is offline Associate Member
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    You need bloodwork and professional advice. Pct is useless now. Paxil is a terrible drug, I took it for a while and I felt worse than I did when I was just anxious. The only anti-D I liked was Wellbutrin, but that's irrelevant because you need to get your bloodwork, your thyroid checked, and an endocrine work-up. Keep us posted, but you NEED to get these done before you just try to medicate something that may be much more serious.

  9. #9
    djcj2002's Avatar
    djcj2002 is offline Associate Member
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    I would def go see a doc. You may even get referred to an endo and get prescribed some test. But, most likely, you need to get at the root of the depression. If you were depressed before, and came off without pct, I can't imagine how you felt. I know a lot of bros that get depressed when coming off the right way just from the drop in test.

    In short, see a doc.

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