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Hi everyone, as the title says i'm looking to start my 1st cycle at 41 years old, i've been training on and off since my mid twenty's and always naturally just taking basic supp's like protine powders and creatine.
The last few years my training has been has been frustrating in that i get to my peak weight at around 93kg. i think thats around 205lbs. and just cannot seem to get past that. Then i stop training for a couple of months drop down to 82-84kg.(180-185lbs) and then start all over again. In this currant training stint I'm now about a month away of reaching my top weight and once i get there i'd like to start my 1st cycle.
I'm 5'10" and fairly lean the cycle i took an interest in was anthony roberts (novice cycle 1) of Test c 400 mgs for weeks 1-12 and dianabol 20mgs daily from weeks 1-4 for pct i looked at pheedno's which is 1-30 days cosisting of
.25mg of L-dex 100mg of clomid and 20mg of nolvadex.
My biggest problem is that i cannot find much info on the forum about pct or the efects of taking steriods for people over 40 years old i suppose i,m just worried about recovery.
-Question 1. Is it true that taking steriods in later years like about 40+ that getting your natural test production back is almost impossible or do you it should be ok. no, you can still restore to pre-cycle levels
-Question 2. should i start my test cycle imeadiatly after i get to my peak weight or should i rest up a few weeks and then start. that's personal preference, I recommend training and dieting properly for quite some time before cycling.
-Question 3. On this cycle is a two week wait to long befor starting pct or should i start slightly earlier. 2 weeks would be good
Thanks to all in advance for your help and any info is welcome MIC.