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Thread: Final thoughts and a few questions before next week

  1. #1

    Final thoughts and a few questions before next week

    I am giving it a go next week

    32years 5'9 175 lifting since high school, serious the last 2-3 years
    this is my "real" first cycle(got a embarassing deca cycle under my belt, before AR)

    sus 400 w 10w
    eq 400 w 10w
    dbol 30ed 4w
    arim .25ed 13w
    milk thisle 1000mg ed 13w
    clomid 13-15 300,100,50
    nolv on hand

    3500 cal ed 325g carbs 325g prot 100g fat

    I am looking for comments. I can not up anything due to the amount i have, i really do not want to wait any more. I have read,ask questions,read, and read some more. I feel i have research and am ready with what i have learned. I guess i am looking for reassurence that what i have put together is a safe, quality cycle. If a moderater, vet,or any other experience bro out there can give me reasons to wait, i might do so, but it would be tough.
    I do have a question about the milk thisle and arimidex
    Does it really matter what time of day i take these two? I plan on taking them at lunch.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    The cycle looks good. It looks like you've studied up.

    I would however reduce fats and up the carbs. I would say 60g of fat would be suffecient. Allthough I trend to keep my fats really low due to a slow metabolism so I suppose it depends on your ability to keep fat off.

    It does not matter what time of day you take the a-dex and milk thistle.

    A-dex has a half life of 50hrs. so you could even get away with EOD administration but stick with ED at lunch and your good to go.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Looks good bro,, you've really done your homework.
    with the milk thistle I take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening (250mg each)
    I'm sure you already thought of this but just incase don't forget to take a good multi-vit everyday.
    And snap some pictures so we can track your progress and blow up that head of yours!!
    good luck,
    Last edited by ripped4fsu; 10-03-2002 at 02:37 PM.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the reply. I forgot to add that, i will be taking these with breakfast

    1 multi vitamin
    500mg vitamin C
    20mg glutimine 10 post workout, 10mg 2 hours later

    There are alot people on this board who help me in putting this together. I am truely a novice and the information provided to me was always impeccable.
    Pete 235 was a bro who answered every PM i sent ussually asking dumb novice questions. He is a great bro on this board and i will be looking forward to his return. There were many many others who helped and as always everyone was patient and helpful. Thanks for the help.

    I will take a before pic this weekend.
    Undecided to post it this weekend or at the end with them side by side.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hell, take weekly shots and post would be cool to see the week by week transformation...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Looks solid bro. show us some before and afters for sure! Hope this works well for you, remember, aas are only a piece of the puzzle!

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