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Thread: cycle opinion??

  1. #1
    mbarb15's Avatar
    mbarb15 is offline Junior Member
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    cycle opinion??

    whats up all..
    i'm new to the forum but def not new to sauce (steriods )... i just wanted to get some opinions on my 4th cycle.. i've done a fair amount of research, but theres always more to learn, so feel free to add some advise, ideas or tips... please no bashing.
    Here's a little info about myself:
    24yrs old
    204lbs at the moment
    16.2% body fat

    previous cycles:

    1. test E 250/w 1-10
    deca 200/w 1-10

    pct: clomid

    2. test E 500/w 1-10
    deca 400/w 1-10

    pct: clomid

    3. test E 500/w 1-10
    EQ 400/w 1-10
    prop 100/eod 10-15
    winnie 50/ed 10-15

    pct: clomid

    i work out usually 6 days a week, sometimes less, but never under 3 days.. pretty strict workout method and my diet is pretty strict as well... as like most ppl i've had my moments and fallen off, but always managed to get back up to where i wanna stand.

    my 4th is gonna consist of the following

    test E 500/w 1-10
    eq 300/w 1-12
    prop 100/oed 10-15
    var 40 or 50/ed 10-15
    arimidex .5/ed 1-15

    i hope i covered all details... let me know what u guys think


  2. #2
    IvanDrago's Avatar
    IvanDrago is offline Junior Member
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    Save the adex for after cycle unless you get signs of gyno and even then start at dont want to limit gains unless you have to...whats you pct look like?

  3. #3
    mbarb15's Avatar
    mbarb15 is offline Junior Member
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    ohh the rights... completely forgot bro lol
    i got some nolva to take care of that....

    soo u say to save the adex for post, wouldnt u wanna take it to keep water retention low??

    my goals are to get as much leanmass as i can and shred up 10-15, but yet i dont really wanna bloat up alot ya know...
    with my prior cycle of test n eq i did get mass and became very vascular but yet EQ did increase my appetite alot and gained alot of weight untop of my water retention.. so in this case i wanna stay as lean as possible and shred down... what do u think??

  4. #4
    mbarb15's Avatar
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  5. #5
    IvanDrago's Avatar
    IvanDrago is offline Junior Member
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    the adex will help with the bloat but it will also kill your estrogen and estro is necessary for muscle growth...if you have gyno symptoms then yeah use the adex to control far a bloat I have the same problem right now with dbol and test c...using a diuretic and drinking tons of has to be clean as hell too...if you do get the water retention dont worry bout it too much just as long as gyno doesnt show will drop the water after cycle as long as you keep the diet good and do your cardio

  6. #6
    IvanDrago's Avatar
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    just realized that your also doing prop and var for the last 5 wks...that should lean you out pretty good towards the end of the cycle then you can run the adex to get rid of excess estrogen...though its not a good idea to run adex with nolva...aromasin would be better

  7. #7
    IvanDrago's Avatar
    IvanDrago is offline Junior Member
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    bump...that brings up a good point...for those who have used adex with nolva for pct...did anyone notice that it just wasnt very effective...I read in Anthony Robert's pct that nolva will actually reduce the effectiveness of adex...but would not interfere with aromasin ...opinions on this???

  8. #8
    mbarb15's Avatar
    mbarb15 is offline Junior Member
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    oh wow... i didnt actually think that nolva will reduce the effectiveness of adex... if thats the case what do u think i should do for pct?? should i even bother with adex?? ... and whatever u recommed, how should i run it alongside my cycle??... i did have prior experience with clomid and im trying to stay clear of it cause of its affects to ur eyesight...

    IvanDrago, i really appreciate your input and ur knowledge/experience with the subject and im taking into consideration of how i should properly run this stuff.. i havent played with adex nor var yet and prior to starting the cycle i wanna do all my research and get everything i need in my possesion..

    thanx again...

    any other opinions feel free..

  9. #9
    mbarb15's Avatar
    mbarb15 is offline Junior Member
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    bump playaa

  10. #10
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    why dont you try some new compounds it looks like you have tried those a couple times. for pct I use hcg ,nolva,aromasin it works well.

  11. #11
    IvanDrago's Avatar
    IvanDrago is offline Junior Member
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    a lot of people on here use adex with nolva for pct...but like I said there are studies out there that suggest nolva decreases the effect of adex due to its affect on blood plasma levels...Im not sure if that is the case though and everyone is different so adex with nolva may work for you...aromasin seems to be the more effective substance to combine with nolva. As far as running the adex throughout your cycle...unless you are sure you are gyno prone then really no need to unless gyno flares up.

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