Maybe I'm misreading this, but it appears that you're proposing either 800mgs ED or 1200mgs ED, both of which are extremely bad ideas. These dosages are way too high, both greatly exceeding the lowest recorded lethal dose. One shouldn't exceed 600mgs ED, although 400 would be a far better choice especially if you desire any type of longevity.
Note: I am NOT a proponent of DNP use.
DNP is a non-carcinogenic, very toxic, and highly poisonous chemical. The often desirable fat loss is merely a symptom of poisoning. Should you elect to use it, the trick is to maintain mild to mildly moderate poisoning for as long as possible, without ever experiencing moderate or severe poisoning. Poisoning oneself too rapidly, will simply result in forced discontinuation, and at an mg dosage of 800mgs or more day, you'll never get through the initial week.
Please don't rely on arbitrarly selected dosages regarding chemicals of this nature, but rather invest more credibility in the documented experiences of trustworthy, critically-minded individuals like myself and others here. This is a very good article by Hooker:
http://www. t - n a t i o n . c o m /portal_includes/articles/2006/06-068-feature.html