does test effect the endurance for running at all? for example if i have to run 7 miles 3 times a week will it effect that at all? or even during the pct?
does test effect the endurance for running at all? for example if i have to run 7 miles 3 times a week will it effect that at all? or even during the pct?
Theoretically it should increase your endurance since your hematocrit will increase.
Btw 7 miles sucks, you must be a pitcher.
Tons of athletes take test so im guessing no. The only compound i have thought about taking that killed endurance was Tren
All my aas cycles has affected my endurance negatively. Seems like I'm always short of breath while on.
i just read the profile about test and it says that test increases rbc count so on the cycle it should help but what about for the pct? does coming off the test have any effect on your endurance?
Not if you do a good PCT and get your natty test levels back as quickly as possible
what products tend to increase your test levels the best?
Best for endurance regarding gear. i would go with EQ,WINSTRO,Or even Epo for Extreame Athleates for Rbc gain
I agree i hear EQ for athletes works wonders!!!!
I would consider what I do to be a little endurance bearing at times. Test work great for me and I used albuterol with and after my pct and it increased my stamina and endurance dramatically.
7 miles y.. i belive in shorter fast pace running rather than long slow runs. say 3-5 miles at moderate speed.. but it takes time to build enurance so be patient try to better your time every run
how long have you been in the marines bro? 7miles 3 times a week is only happening if you infantry
u gonna take gear for the marines? jeez. i wish some of u experienced a pre season of college soccer
It affects my edurance as I get easy muscle pumps.
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