I suppose it has a lot to do with all the other things going on in my life, but sometimes when I come off a cycle I go through periods of depression and/or anxiety. I am not referring to just being bumed because I'm not making gains. I mean where I actually think about all the bad shit in my life, never the good, and how it is overbearing. Sometimes I come off and don't feel any of these symptoms, but this last cycle really spun me for a loop for several weeks. I feel better now . . . back to my old self and glad to just enjoy the ups and downs of every day. But for a while I had anxiety bad, and had two periods of 1-2 days each where I was extremly depressed - I mean I knew my brain was just not right.
I just wanted to share this with all the bros on the board, especially for those who may go through such a period and not make the connection that stopping steroids can bring these feelings on. It goes away, just be ready for it and hopefully you can deal with it better.