Ive Taken Winstrol And Deca For About Two In A Half Yrs Ive Gotton Real Strong But I Want To Get Ripped What Should I Take
Ive Taken Winstrol And Deca For About Two In A Half Yrs Ive Gotton Real Strong But I Want To Get Ripped What Should I Take
It really depends on the person
diet and low reps high weight...
lots of protein!
well for size it is, because it will build more lean mass w/o the muscles just bloating w/ water, but the size you do actually gain from hi reps is harder to atrophy. but if you want bulk, go high weights, adn real low reps, like sets of 3-5
p.s. what are your stats? and your lifting regiment?
pps, isnt it kinda a given to post your stats if your looking for a new cycle advice?
you asking me for stats???..sure bro...right now I'm prepping for show...I'm [email protected]%...been training 15years...competing 9...by the way you didnt make any sense at all on your theory of muscle gains or keeping muscle didnt make any sense...if your nutrition is on how in the world do you atrophy???
Thats what he said...."2 in a half yrs"
no sorry i wasnt askin u for stats, i was asking him, sorry for the confusion :S.... lol, i guess i should have made that more clear... but ok back tot he atrophy...
nutrition alone wont keep the muscles from atrophying, it will definately slow it down but wont stop it, the only way to keep the muscle is to use it. and the low weights high reps creates the muscle to get larger by the muscles actually dividing so there are more cells (fiber hypertrophy), when it is high weight hlow reps, that swells up the cells along with the fiber hypertrophy, which is usually called the water rentition (fiber hyperplamia) while you definately get the dividing of cells when doing high weight, when you take time off or dont lift or whatever, the loses are more noticible because of the loss of the water in the cells. becuase the FG muscle fibers are the largest fibers of the 3 types, and hardest to activate, thats why the high weight/low reps activate those. (upwards of 75-80% of all fibers must be activated to begin to activate these)
is that understandable?
i think hes talking about fast and slow twitch muscle fiber and how working with higher reps works both.
sh*t never mind i dont know where hes going.![]()
no i'm saying that low weight high reps build more fibers, and high weight and low reps builds more fibers along w/ more water in the fiber, so if he stops lifting for anyreason, the change in size will be more noticable because of the drop in size of fiber... and just the fibers will be left, so the atrophy wont be as noticable if its high reps and low weight...
original poster- winny and deca for 2.5 years??? why? what are your current stats, and what were they when you started?
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