Just would like to know how long to run M1T for best and safest results. Also how I should go about PCT. Sorry if this has been posted before but it's just hard to find stuff.
Just would like to know how long to run M1T for best and safest results. Also how I should go about PCT. Sorry if this has been posted before but it's just hard to find stuff.
m1t is filled with sides been described as poison with side effects of muscle again. But 4 weeks tops, ive only ran it once and it was back in the day when it was legal.
I would run it for 3 weeks after that gains start to diminish and the sides arent worth it after week 3
That sounds bad, thanks though. Is there already a thread on this somewhere with more info do you know?
2-3 weeks max..very toxic and potent compound..sides arent worth it IMO either..never had a compound make me so damn lethargic in my life
Would you guys recommend something different with similar pros and less cons
what are your goals newfie?
how about some stats, goals, cycle history etc??
want to add 20-30 lbs of mainly muscle, hoping for something without a whole lot of water retention and was told M1T will allow you te keep alot of your gains.
is m1t legal in canada?
first thing to do is analyze your diet for starters..im sure its probably not bad, but could always improve as we all can
simple cycle of test e for 10-12 weeks with a proper PCT is a good place to start. Water retention is somewhat essential if you wanna build muscle..im not saying you should look like a balloon, but its caused by estrogen and some estrogen is actually a good thing..thats why you see people go on bulking cycles then cutting cycles
thanks for the advice...like i said im basically retarded in this area so i am very thankful for the advice
LoL, 20-30lbs of muscle is a LOT!!! 20-30lbs of MASS is different. And no M1T you wont gain even close to 20lbs of muscle. A lot of weight you gain will be water, fat, and muscle. I wouldnt mess with it tho, why do that when you could go for a simple test cycle without all those sides?
Also M1T seems to be the easiest thing for me to get my hands on right now, which sucks according to what i am hearing here
yeah, do yourself a favor and get sum dbol. I used to take 50mg before workouts and they made me feel like shit. You can put them under your tongue for a few seconds and they'll act faster when you swallow them. But yeah, I don't much care for them, at least they were cheap tho.
m1t is crap bro... if your going to do a cycle might as well go with something safer and will give you much better results.
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