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Thread: please help Need groth harmone stack cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Question please help Need groth harmone stack cycle

    Can anyone give me a good cycle stack for hgh like what should i stack it with and how many iu's of the stuff i should take and when the best time during the day to take hgh. i would greatly appricate some help. i have taken a few cycles of various other steriods but this is the first time i am taking hgh. i heard that i should stack it with a testastarone. and the last 2 weeks take clomed. the hgh i have is serostim 6 mg it has 7 viles of distiled water and 7 viles of serostim it is made by serono. i dont know what to take with it ant suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bro if you can't answer these questions yourself you are not ready to use hgh. It is not like other steriods some of the side effects are irreversable. How many cycles have you done in the past?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    If you are going to use growth hormone make sure for the best gains possible you use insluin between 10-15 ius a day thats pretty safe

  4. #4
    Mike Guest
    it depends but normally bout 6-8ius a day for 12-16wks - I DONT believe you're ready for HGH though bro - honestly it's not like you think it is - be careful

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Mikes right It takes a Specail type of person to use hgh not for everyone try easer drugs like AS before you play with the big boys

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i've used serostim

    1.) these guys are right.if you not sure what you are're not ready for you know anyone personally who has used?i'm not knocking anyone on this board.we all have experience and alot of info, BUT don't just take some random persons experience w/ it.everyone is different.

    2.) if you aren't ready for hgh, you sure as hell aren't ready for insulin!!!one fuck up w/ insulin and you'll look really nice in your casket.

    i had bad experiences w/ hgh from listening to so called users of teh stuff in teh past years i could do it right if i wanted to but from my experience, and alot of others, hgh alone isn't gonna cut still need a gear stack to do w/ your insert in teh sterostim kit.gains aren't that amazing in those clinical trials right?also know your source, alot of fake hgh is goign's just hcg.get a pregnancy test and check teh shit out so you knwo what you are shooting.just looking out bro.

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