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  1. #1
    Gears's Avatar
    Gears is offline Member
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    Frontloading Clarity.

    So i`ve read that most frontload with long based ester AAS, so I was confused on exactly the best way to administer the shots.

    I`ve read that Test-Cyp can achieve stable blood levels only injected once per week, but it seems most here recommend twice per week. If that were the case, would the frontloading have to be administered on the first shot?


    assuming 800mg/wk test-cyp

    Day1 = 600mg in one injection
    Day5 = 200mg injection to = 800mg/wk


    Day1 = 400mg in one injection
    Day5 = 400mg = 800mg/wk

    Also, is there any drawback to if ran 1 shot/week to use all the injected AAS in one shot? I dont know if there are any side effects from having a certain amount injected into the same site, can someone clarify?

  2. #2
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    frontloading is the practice of taking big doses on your first one or two shots. For example, a person could frontload with 800mg taken in 2 shots at the same time in different sites, then take 400mg every week thereafter. This is for test cyp or enth or any long estered aas. I have frontloaded with 1000mg first shot, then 500 every week thereafter. Worked fine. Jury is still out on the value of it tho. Frontloading does NOT mean you take a big shot early in a week then a small shot later, then repeat week after week. Its only your first shot or two (ish). If i were you, and you wanted to take around 500-800mg a week of long estered test, i would take like 300mg every 4 days for stable levels. Just wait for it... a couple weeks later you'll be running at full steam.


  3. #3
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    and it prolly wont be very different if you took one big shot a week, i just hate large volume shots.

  4. #4
    BuffBuffalo's Avatar
    BuffBuffalo is offline Senior Member
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    I've always heard inject every 3.5 days for long-ester compounds like test e and c. So if I were you I'd go with two sticks a week.

  5. #5
    BIGDOGIRISH's Avatar
    BIGDOGIRISH is offline Associate Member
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    This is what Im doing....
    Day 1 Injected 400mg test cyp
    Day 4 Injected 400mg
    Day 7 Inject 200mg
    Day 10 etc

    So every 3rd day. Front loaded first 2 shots but will be on 466mg a week after that

  6. #6
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    it is best to split your total wkly dosage in half and do to shots ew. Now to frontload all you do is double the dose of the first two injections of what you plan on using. some people will frontload for two or even three wks but in my experience one wk of frontloading is sufficient.
    Ie: your cycle is 500mg test ew. so you would be doing 250mg lets say sunday and wends. to frontload do 500mg sunday and 500mg wends. now you have frontloaded your test and should reach peak levels in less time.

  7. #7
    Gears's Avatar
    Gears is offline Member
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    Err my mistake, I meant to say 400mg/wk, frontloaded at 800mg.

    So its better to split it up into two shots 400/400 instead of 600/200 for week one? Is that just for more stable blood levels, and is there any drawback to not loading 600 on the first shot, like not reaching peak levels early enough?

  8. #8
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    you want even doses to keep blood levels stable or they will start dropping later in the wk. there is no reason to do 600 and 200 you want your second injection to even up with your first by the time your second wk comes.

  9. #9
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    forget the every week thing. 7 days is uneven. just pick an E4D or E3D routine.

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