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  1. #1
    cope is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Is there reason to NOT run Aromasin through Cycle?

    per week: 750 test-e, 600 deca , 400 masteron

    in week 4 [of 12... w/ possible week 12-16 t-prop 100mg EOD depending on how im feeling @ week 12]

    Reading more and more about gyno, im beginning to think id rather be safe than sorry.

    I have enough Aromasin [100 20mg pills] to last me throughout my cycle and more.

    Can I just start taking it now or are there any negative effects on my gains etc?

    Appreciate any help, and if anyone can recommend how much to take etc-

  2. #2
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Blog Entries
    Check out my thread about estrogen and Ai's ( effecting gains )...

    Estrogen Will It Effect My Gains


  3. #3
    cope is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    shit! haha i had that bookmarked and never got around to reading it.
    thanks im going to read it now

  4. #4
    cope is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Sounds good... but i am concerned with Gyno. Is there any threads specifically on how to detect/check for gyno daily? When i squeeze behind my nipple i feel hardness.. but im pretty sure its muscle? Whats the difference between the lump and muscle? And also, do your nipples get sore before the lumps start?

  5. #5
    prima07 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    if u have gyno u will know. u will get a little lump and it will hurt to sqeeze it. your nips will be so F'ing sensitve that you cant mistake it. just have ur aromasin on hand so when u start to get it then jump on it quick. beacuase u need ur esrtogen for gains.

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