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Thread: sust flu this early?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Angry sust flu this early?

    i just started my cycle a week ago from wednesday.
    i feel weak and achy and sneezing all the time.
    i dont know too much about sust flu or when it usually starts. will this go on through the whole cycle? by the way this is the first time using anadrol and it is working great already. good pumps and strength. put 6 pounds on so far( i know it is water).

    this is my cycle

    1-4 anapolon anadrol 50,100,100,50
    1-10 organon sust 250mg eod
    10-15 QV prop 100mg, ttokkyo suspension 100mg ed

    clomid 3 days after last inject.

    have arimidex on hand. reason being that i am not taking it right now is that i am trying to gain as much water as possible. trying to bulk.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Sounds like the sust flu to me. Usually seems to last 4-5 day's for most people. Alot of people get it early on but that's not allway's the case. Hang in there it will go away. Good luck on the cycle!


  3. #3
    alevok Guest
    sustanon flu is not like a regular flu, you feel the symptoms but you are not sick. You can have high temp, headache. And yes it may happen very same day of your injection.

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