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Thread: my cycle

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    my 20 week cycle

    i changed this cycle up so many times but finally have what i want and wanted to post it and see if anyone has any suggestiong. i am 5'11'' 235lbs with about 8-9%bf. this obviously isnt a beginer cycle but i am well experianced and have done other cycles comparable to this.

    1-5 d-bol 45mgs a day
    1-5 omandren 1000mgs a week shot eod
    1-5 npp 100mgs ed
    5-17 eq 600mgs a week
    5-17 omandren 500mgs a week
    5-13 winny 50mgs a day
    10-17 fina 75mgs a day
    5-17 primo 600mgs a week

    im running 5-6 ius of hgh throughout as well as armidex. im also using 500ius of hcg 3 times a week eow. pct im running clomid, nolva and igf.
    Last edited by PT; 03-30-2008 at 03:44 AM.

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
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    im also considering running slin for a few weeks during the bulking part at 10ius a day pwo

  3. #3
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    bro,thats 9 compounds pluss HGH and slin...could you anymore to that????..unless you're prepping for something thats over kill...My opinion.

  4. #4
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    i know its alot but its what i wanted to do and a buddy of mine over at outlaw helped me come up with it. as for dosage, i have done that much before so that not i big deal. its mor compounds then i ever have done in a cycle before but i have had my best results when switching up and using alot of different gear

  5. #5
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    by far way to any componds i wouldent run anymore than 3 in a cycle i dont see why one should when gains can be controled by diet alone..

  6. #6
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    Pietro i have seen you change this cycle a ton. Looks solid though, you know what you are doing. Personally i wouldnt mess with the slin, but its up to you. Keep us posted on your gains with this run

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by nowdenlid View Post
    by far way to any componds i wouldent run anymore than 3 in a cycle i dont see why one should when gains can be controled by diet alone..
    i wish you were right bro but your not. if gains can be controlled by diet alone then why does anyone do gear. i have a perfect diet and top line workout routine so i am 100% aware of whats going on. i didnt just wake up one morning and decide to throw all this gear into one big cycle. i know its hard for you to understand why anyone would do a cycle like this but i asure you that its tiny compared to what some people do.

  8. #8
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Is this a bulk to cut. if so what are your calories gonna look like when will they change and how will you include and change cardio, if you are doing a bulk to cut.

  9. #9
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    nevermind this post I didn't see you were running adex throughout. when will you start the gh and for how long.
    Last edited by mx3; 02-29-2008 at 06:50 PM.

  10. #10
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    i wish you were right bro but your not. if gains can be controlled by diet alone then why does anyone do gear. i have a perfect diet and top line workout routine so i am 100% aware of whats going on. i didnt just wake up one morning and decide to throw all this gear into one big cycle. i know its hard for you to understand why anyone would do a cycle like this but i asure you that its tiny compared to what some people do.
    yer man your right it just seems like a ton of compounds too me .

    what are your goals with this bro?????

    its just that unless your a pro and do bb,ing for a liveing there is no need to run cycles like this .#

    whats your next cycle going to be and then the one after that there gonna be huge ..

    i am not saying it is but it just seem like abuse to me (dont take that the wrong way its just my thoughts bro)

  11. #11
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Sorry bro...i'm not raining on your parade but i still dont agree...your body will not make much a change from using 9 compounds...but hey good luck...why dont you post some before and after...

  12. #12
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    Sorry bro...i'm not raining on your parade but i still dont agree...your body will not make much a change from using 9 compounds...but hey good luck...why dont you post some before and after...
    100% agreed^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    9 compounds

  13. #13
    lowep3 is offline Junior Member
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    Pretty intense cycle you have planned out. I have a bunch of questions(not flaming) just trying to learn. Any specific reason you chose omnadren over sustanon ? I see that your cutting the omnadren off at week 12 and starting test-c in week 13, would it be easier to keep your test levels stable by changing to prop instead on cyp? I read that you're running adex, do you keep any caber on hand for progesterone induce sides? Good luck, and I'm assuming this is a bulk then cut type deal?

  14. #14
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    fact of the matter is he should star the cyp at the same time then cut the omna out at 6 weeks...the cyp would have kicked in by then...8 weeks of dbol is ruff on the liver...i mean I pointed out the 9 compounds...sorry bro's low energy today(very low carb)...otherwise with all due respect i would rip this cycle apart....but again good luck...

  15. #15
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    so is this a bulk to cut, Im trying to understand your goals for this.

  16. #16
    bestguy is offline New Member
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    I need your truthful advice on sterod cycle.

    Hi People, please I need a professional advice on how to cycle steriods without side effects and the best way to take them ,where to get original ones and use ancillary drugs to reduce side effects. This is my first time and I only plan to cycle for a month how much can I gain within this cyce and I dont like injections only interested in pills like dbols or any other effective one. please let me know how to start this cycle witt the proper way of using it, I m mostly concerned about the ball shrinkage and hair loss associated with steriod use, I dont want any of these effects at all no sexual side effects, I heard if used properly then everything will be normal except muscle mass will increase. My current meal plan is as follows

    meal 1
    protein shake oatmeal, 6egg whites, apple

    protein bar 30 grams of protein, walnuts apple

    bread and tuna fish sandwich, banana

    meal 4 pre workout meal
    noodles or pasta banana salad

    meal5 postworkout protein shake

    meal 6
    chicken breast/brown rice

    My stats

    6'4 Male, 186Ibs, 23 years

    My main goal is to gain at least 20 pounds and more in 2 months, I plan in cycling steriods for a month then back to superpump 250 and creatine is this a good idea, remember my aim is to use steriod to build mass without major side effects short term and longterm any suggestions would be very helpful in my decision. Thanks.

  17. #17
    jbonez19 is offline Banned
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    oh, bestguy man. you just hi-jacked a very advanced thread that is causing hot-debate between long time members. this is a bad move! don't worry too much i see that you're new as i am(i've made some mistakes as well), but you need to start your own thread dude. also make sure you read all the stuff in the educational thread section, you will find lots of great info, and it will help you to start a good thread. you may get an answer, but it's really the wrong way to go about it bro. good luck. j

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by lowep3 View Post
    Pretty intense cycle you have planned out. I have a bunch of questions(not flaming) just trying to learn. Any specific reason you chose omnadren over sustanon? I see that your cutting the omnadren off at week 12 and starting test-c in week 13, would it be easier to keep your test levels stable by changing to prop instead on cyp? I read that you're running adex, do you keep any caber on hand for progesterone induce sides? Good luck, and I'm assuming this is a bulk then cut type deal?
    the only reason i chose omandren over sust is because i got them for half the price. as for test levles, test is test bro, it dosnt matter what kind im running. i lowered my dose towards the end when i started cutting because i cant control the water and bloat when my test is that high. i do have bromo but im not expecting to use it, i hope anyway. im not gyno pronr whatsoever.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mx3 View Post
    so is this a bulk to cut, Im trying to understand your goals for this.
    yea bro, im bulking then cutting. im only going to consume around 4200 calories a day during the bulking stage so i will gain around 15lbs then im going to drop it just a little and eat a lot cleaner during the cutting stage. im going to up my cardio from 2 days a week to 5. i have done cycles before were i bulk then cut and i seem to make great results when doing this and i keep the weight i gain. also the igf during pct really helps me keep the gains i made during my cycle. sorry for sounding like a little kid but its 5:50am and i just got up. im posting before and after pics over at vip and outlaw for anyone that wants to see. my name is greenleaf over there

  20. #20
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    the only reason i chose omandren over sust is because i got them for half the price. as for test levles, test is test bro, it dosnt matter what kind im running. i lowered my dose towards the end when i started cutting because i cant control the water and bloat when my test is that high. i do have bromo but im not expecting to use it, i hope anyway. im not gyno pronr whatsoever.
    should be easy to control warter/bloat while in with a good a.i ,you say i HOPE im not gyno prone whatsoever(you must know from previous cycles)

    couple of questions for ya bro.

    what have your previous cycles looked like?

    do you think you could get the same rusults wiht just 4/5 compounds(omandren ,deca or eq (this for the bulking)tren a ,prop for the cutting)?

    oor even somethnik like this

    weeks 1-12 omandren 750mgs ew

    weeks 1-11 eq 600mgs

    week 12-16 test p 100mgs ed

    weeks 10-16 winny 75mgs ed.

    or you could even run primo for 16 weeks at 1000mgs ew if you can get it..
    Last edited by nowdenlid; 03-01-2008 at 06:44 AM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    i changed this cycle up so many times but finally have what i want and wanted to post it and see if anyone has any suggestiong. i am 5'11'' 235lbs with about 8-9%bf. this obviously isnt a beginer cycle but i am well experianced and have done other cycles comparable to this.

    1-8 d-bol 45mgs a day
    1-12 omandren 1000mgs a week shot eod
    1-11 deca 400mgs a week
    1-12 eq 400mgs a week
    13-20test cyp 750mgs a week
    13-20 masteron 500mgs a week
    13-20 winny 50mgs a day
    13-20 fina 75mgs a day
    15-20 var 45mgs a day

    im running 5-6 ius of hgh throughout as well as armidex. im also using 500ius of hcg 3 times a week eow. pct im running clomid, nolva and igf.
    You're just going to be feeling the deca starting at weeks 6-7. Why not run NPP instead? My preference would be to run test prop, but why not run test cyp from the beginning so as not to have so many ups and downs and run the omna's for the first 3 weeks to kick start it? The masterone is propionate or enanthate ? If prop that would be 75mg ed. If enanthate it's going to take a few weeks to kick in. Again, I would run masterone propionate. How much and for how long will you run the slin and Lr3 IGF-1?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by nowdenlid View Post
    should be easy to control warter/bloat while in with a good a.i ,you say i HOPE im not gyno prone whatsoever(you must know from previous cycles)

    couple of questions for ya bro.

    what have your previous cycles looked like?

    do you think you could get the same rusults wiht just 4/5 compounds(omandren ,deca or eq (this for the bulking)tren a ,prop for the cutting)?

    oor even somethnik like this

    weeks 1-12 omandren 750mgs ew

    weeks 1-11 eq 600mgs

    week 12-16 test p 100mgs ed

    weeks 10-16 winny 75mgs ed.

    or you could even run primo for 16 weeks at 1000mgs ew if you can get it..
    i actually considered the primo and came really close to using it at around that dosage but its so freaking expensive. im running gh right now and since thats harder to get then it was 2 or 3 years ago that is also more expensive so i was trying to watch the funds. im using igf during pct and ghg throughout so the money is racking up really fast and im sure you know how much 1000mgs a week of primo would cost. i just bought a new house plus i just booked a 10 day cruise for this june so i have to really watch the money i spend on gear. i personally would love to run the primo if possible. as for my past cycles there are way to many to name and honestly i doubt i can even tell you how many i have done. i never ran this much gear before in one cycle but i have ran the amount. i did i huge bulker a while back that consisted of 1250 mgs of test, 900mgs of deca, 50mgs d-bol and slin. as for gyno, i never had sore nips or a lump before and im hoping it stays that way. when i first started using gear i never used to run any anti-e's but i run letro, armidex or something else every cycle now to help keep the water down

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunderin View Post
    You're just going to be feeling the deca starting at weeks 6-7. Why not run NPP instead? My preference would be to run test prop, but why not run test cyp from the beginning so as not to have so many ups and downs and run the omna's for the first 3 weeks to kick start it? The masterone is propionate or enanthate? If prop that would be 75mg ed. If enanthate it's going to take a few weeks to kick in. Again, I would run masterone propionate. How much and for how long will you run the slin and Lr3 IGF-1?
    the mast is prop and is shot 5 days a week. as for the slin im not running it but when i do i run 10ius pwo 5 days a week 2 weeks on/2off. the igf will be run at 50mcgs shot twice a week for 30 days.

  24. #24
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    You should log your results on this for us. are you using research peptides or are you getting the igf from your own source. I ask cause I haven't used Igf yet but I plan to in my pct as well and I heard the research peptides suck unless you have something different to say about them.

  25. #25
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    I bet a cycle of tren and deca with the right diet will give the same results.

    You cycle is over kill and a wast.

  26. #26
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    I bet a cycle of tren and deca with the right diet will give the same results.

    You cycle is over kill and a wast.
    i know you like your 19nor,s but wouildent that be massive shut down with out test???

  27. #27
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    with or with out you get shut down. Will you get more or less no shut down means just that.

    With tren you will not loss sex drive or ability to keep and erection. So the use of test is personal preference.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nowdenlid View Post
    Because people that are inexperience will not know what to do when they get shut down and have no test in there system. Its a fail safe for sex drive.

  30. #30
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    with or with out you get shut down. Will you get more or less no shut down means just that.

    With tren you will not loss sex drive or ability to keep and erection. So the use of test is personal preference.
    tren is the only compound that even if i run moderate to high dose of test I have a hard time getting it up.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by mx3 View Post
    tren is the only compound that even if i run moderate to high dose of test I have a hard time getting it up.
    you are the first one to ever say that after running tren with test.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    I bet a cycle of tren and deca with the right diet will give the same results.

    You cycle is over kill and a wast.
    im posting pic's from before i start, after week 12 then again after pct so we'll see if its a waste after that

  33. #33
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    you are the first one to ever say that after running tren with test.
    its hard to get it up were probably the wrong words to use but I generally just have very little interest in sex while tren .

  34. #34
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    so whats the deal with your igf pietro is research or not.

  35. #35
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    its all research. do you mean is it from ar-r ? its from O labs. i cant post the name on here but anyone who knows then knows who im talking about. i used there igf before and its really good

  36. #36
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    my knowledge on igf is weak but from what hear you have to inject every day. is 50mcg 2x ew gonna do anything as far as protecting muscle from wasting.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    fact of the matter is he should star the cyp at the same time then cut the omna out at 6 weeks...the cyp would have kicked in by then...8 weeks of dbol is ruff on the liver...i mean I pointed out the 9 compounds...sorry bro's low energy today(very low carb)...otherwise with all due respect i would rip this cycle apart....but again good luck...
    its not even 9 compunds you forgot to count the slin, hgh, and igf.........12 compounds seems like kinda of a waste to me too. i agree with others that the same results could easily be achieved with far less compounds. but i like to keep mine pretty simple and i have never tried a cycle like this and never would, but i am interested to see the results now. to me it seems as if you will have to see extremely dramatic results from this or if not be extremely disappointed.

  38. #38
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    maybe i didnt post it yet on this board but im not using the slin anymore. as for the results i expect to gain around 20lbs of solid muscle plus harden up even more and keep every gain i make. anything less would be considered a faliure. as for all the gear im using, of course most people would consider it a waste but what im doing is nothing out of the ordinary. these cycles do exist and with higher doses. once my pic's and stats are posted then myself and everyone else can make the decision on if it was a waste or not. belive me, i would be the first to look at this cycle and shake my head if the person wasnt in the game for a long time and had a ton of experiance. i asure you im not a newbie and i am well aware of what i am doing.

  39. #39
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    i misread post 23 i thought you said you were running slin..... why not run it with this?

  40. #40
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    like i said before i never have done this many substances before and im extremly curious to see the results and if i use slin then alot of the gains might be from the slin so i will be unsure plus im a little hesitant to run slin on such a large cycle. i was planning on running the slin at first during the bulking stage. i was going to run it 5 days a week at 10-20ius a day pwo and mornings 2weeks on/2 off but a few people helped me change my mind.

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