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Thread: Mixxing Decca and Sust

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Mixxing Decca and Sust

    Im going to take sust twice a week and decca once. CAn I put the sust and the decca in the same needle, so I dont have to shoot twice in the same day? Im also taking Dbol. What is a good dosaage of dbol to take per day for a 5 week cycle?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Your taking deca for 5 weeks? dbol 40-50mg ed for 5 weeks would work. Deca needs to be run longer than 5 weeks though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    no Im taking the decca and the sust for 10 weeks, just the dbol for 5 weeks, thanks for the dossage. do you now anything about the mixxing

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    womb raider
    weeks 1-5 40mgs dbol ed]

    weeks 1-12 sust 125mgs every other day

    weeks 1-10 deca 400mgs every week.

    that would be the best way to run your compounds and yes you can mix the suss and deca.

    what you got lined up for pct?

  5. #5
    you need to run the sus at least 2 weeks longer than the deca,and 1 shot of deca a week is not realy any good,u might hav a prob getting at least 400ml of deca in 1 shot. i take 2 shots a week each shot has 1ml sus and 2ml of deca.deca needs to be run for at least 10 weeks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    first off we need some stats and cycle exp. second sus needs to be shot eod e3rd at the least and yes you can mix deca and sus. along with stats give us a run down of how your cycle looks, how many mg per compound ew are you running and how long for each so we can give you proper advice.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by nowdenlid View Post
    weeks 1-5 40mgs dbol ed]

    weeks 1-12 sust 125mgs every other day

    weeks 1-10 deca 400mgs every week.

    that would be the best way to run your compounds and yes you can mix the suss and deca.

    what you got lined up for pct?
    I agree with the above I was a little late on my post. I would still like to see stats and cycle exp though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    There is no way I can shoot everyother day. I was goign to shoot a cc of sust twice a week and the decca once. I dont know what I should do for PCT. In the past I have taken ZMA and Tribulas. Has worked ok. ButI never took such a strong cycle before. The strongest I took was decca and winny. or just sust by it self. What do you sugest I take?

  9. #9
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    Feb 2008
    I took sust 250 once a week for 12 weeks my first time, the second I took 10 weeks of decca and winny. cant remeber how much winny. About 6 motnhs ago I strated a cycle for a week but broker my wrist. It was going to be 1 shot of sust 250 a week and aprox 35 mpgs of dbol a day for about 5 weeks. But due to my wrist incedent I only took about4 days worth.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2007
    use test e or c if you only want to shoot twice ew. sus contains short esters which will drop off causing more sides if only shot once or twice ew.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Thanks for the help. antoehr question since you seem to know this stuff real well. CAn you mix winny in with dbol? or is it to bad for you

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by mx3 View Post
    use test e or c if you only want to shoot twice ew. sus contains short esters which will drop off causing more sides if only shot once or twice ew.
    yer i agree,but if you only want to shoot the sust twice a week you can.....

    as for the deca i would do this..

    weeks 1-10-monday 1ml suss 2ml deca=250mgs suss /200mgs deca(if deca is 200mg/ml you can do 1ml deca with 1ml sus)

    same on thursday.

    stop deca at week 10 and do sust for 2 more weeks then 14-16 days after last shot of sust start pct...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleeze View Post
    Thanks for the help. antoehr question since you seem to know this stuff real well. CAn you mix winny in with dbol? or is it to bad for you
    while dbol is used for bulking and winni for cutting it would not be a good idea to mix the two together + two orals at once is not good for you.

    and without test well shutdown

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Why are we giving this guy cycle advice without knowing anything about him? Come on guys.
    To the poster, please provide us some stats, so we might help you better.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    what should ido for PCT?

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    what u need to know?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord View Post
    Why are we giving this guy cycle advice without knowing anything about him? Come on guys.
    To the poster, please provide us some stats, so we might help you better.
    yer i agree but bear in mind i would think 8/10 people go a head with there cycle even if we tell them not too.

    stats would be veryy helpfull tho.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleeze View Post
    what u need to know?



    body fat

    years working out

    diet pro/carb/fat

    what are your goals with the cycle.

    what aas have you used before

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleeze View Post
    what should ido for PCT?
    Read all the stickies in the pct forums to start with.

  20. #20
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    26 5'9 167, verry low fat. working out for 8 years. Real good diet. I plenty cut looking for size. BUt want to stay cut. used sust 1 shot a week and and I used decca 1 a week with winny.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleeze View Post
    26 5'9 167, verry low fat. working out for 8 years. Real good diet. I plenty cut looking for size. BUt want to stay cut. used sust 1 shot a week and and I used decca 1 a week with winny.
    same stats as me but i am 194lbs

    i think you should look into your diet and up your cals...

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    long island, new york
    how the hell did u recover from those half ass cycles on tribulus especially the deca one.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    not well. I deff got decca dick for a month or so, maybe longer. My bench droped from 335 3 times to to barely 315 once. BUt I dieted real well and worked out even harder. I didnt know that you should just takes decca without test.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Great North
    if hes splitting up his deca shots...should he space them out? like monday and friday...or keep them together like monday wedness day...or is it that big a deal to shoot the deca at once...i heard splitting up the deca lessens its affects

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Great North
    hey i just noticesd im a junior member now!!! hurray!!! lol

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