what is test e half life i cant find it anywhere its like 3.5 days or something isnt it? and also is adding 50 mg of winstrol to pct a good idea? was told it was to help solidify gains and get rid of bloat or would last 4 weeks of cycle be better?
what is test e half life i cant find it anywhere its like 3.5 days or something isnt it? and also is adding 50 mg of winstrol to pct a good idea? was told it was to help solidify gains and get rid of bloat or would last 4 weeks of cycle be better?
You shouldn't be taking a AAS like that during your PCT. It would defeat the purpose of the pct
thats what i thought but i also thought winstrol didnt shut u down?
Yes it does, very much so
ok what about the half life its 3.5 days isnt it?
I used the search button and I found this....
that search button is increadibly useful...
thanx not sure how i missed that post i did use search by the way
ya if you want to help solidify those gains then throw winstrol in at the end of your cycle, then start your pct...what is test e half life i cant find it anywhere its like 3.5 days or something isnt it? and also is adding 50 mg of winstrol to pct a good idea? was told it was to help solidify gains and get rid of bloat or would last 4 weeks of cycle be better?
by the way, how did you make out on your cycle rampage? Good gains?
i just finished week 7 up 22lbs not really much bloat so im very pleased strength is through roof
Very well, i would also suggest adding the winny to the latter portion of the cycle. You can continue winny a week after your last Test shot and then jump into your PCT <--What are you gonna use for it?
hcg last week of cycle up too pct at 500iu eod and aromasin20mg/nolva20mg during pct 4wks of aro and 6 wks of nolva
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