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  1. #1
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Lower Back Pain Associated with D-Bol?

    I am starting my 3rd week of 40mg d-bol/day (I know what you are think…no, not a d-bol only cycle) today and I have noticed a lower back strain/pain the past few days. I believe I have read on here that this lower back pain can sometimes be associated with d-bol, is that true? I probably didn’t help doing heavy deadlifts last Friday but I need to grow. The pain hurts like a biatch but I can tough it out two more weeks I believe. When I discontinue the use of d-bol will this pain disappear?

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    yea those back pumps can really be a pain but yes they do go away when you stop using the d-bol.

  3. #3
    DessertRat is offline New Member
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    something else to consider is the dead lifts. My lower back is always sore after I lift heave on dead. make sure your wearing a good belt.

  4. #4
    39+1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    I am starting my 3rd week of 40mg d-bol/day (I know what you are think…no, not a d-bol only cycle) today and I have noticed a lower back strain/pain the past few days. I believe I have read on here that this lower back pain can sometimes be associated with d-bol, is that true? I probably didn’t help doing heavy deadlifts last Friday but I need to grow. The pain hurts like a biatch but I can tough it out two more weeks I believe. When I discontinue the use of d-bol will this pain disappear?
    Of course you back is going to hurt.
    your probably young and dont do extensions to secure a strong pain free back. so get on it cause after you mess your back up it stays that way

  5. #5
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    the pain/pump will disappear once u discontinue the dbol . i was on tbol which is very similar to dbol and i had trouble gettin in and out of the car, puttin socks on etc

  6. #6
    Njord's Avatar
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    I get back pumps as well. It started early in my current Test/Tren /Win cycle, but are now slowly going away.
    On a prior cycle (Test E only) I got back pumps so bad a could barely walk. It lasted throughout the whole cycle.
    Back pumps suck!!

  7. #7
    Njord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 39+1 View Post
    Of course you back is going to hurt.
    your probably young and dont do extensions to secure a strong pain free back. so get on it cause after you mess your back up it stays that way
    Why is his back going to hurt?
    Why do you think he's young?
    How do you know he doesn't do back extensions?

  8. #8
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    the back pumps are sur-real on d-bols for me,,,,,, it wont cure it but it does keep it down a bit,, strech your lower back lighty upon waking and before bed,, like is aid it wont cure it completly but it does seem to help get rid off some of that extra pump

  9. #9
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 39+1 View Post
    Of course you back is going to hurt.
    your probably young and dont do extensions to secure a strong pain free back. so get on it cause after you mess your back up it stays that way
    really has nothing to do with it.... youll get pumps regarless if you have a strong core or not

  10. #10
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    If you're drinking the amount of water that you should be while taking DBOL that could be adding to it also, think about all the water you're pumping through those kidneys.

  11. #11
    Njord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AaronJM1984 View Post
    If you're drinking the amount of water that you should be while taking DBOL that could be adding to it also, think about all the water you're pumping through those kidneys.
    I think he is talking about a lower back pain. Not pain from the kidneys.
    Backpumps feel like your muscles are continually contracting until it hurts too much to move. I have heard of people getting similar pumps in their calfs.

  12. #12
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord View Post
    I think he is talking about a lower back pain. Not pain from the kidneys.
    Backpumps feel like your muscles are continually contracting until it hurts too much to move. I have heard of people getting similar pumps in their calfs.
    I hear ya, I've experienced back pumps, just finished a Superdrol cycle, a lot of people have reported a lot worse back pumps then I experienced though, lucky me!

  13. #13
    PT's Avatar
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    it depends on your dose. i was doing over 60mgs a day and couldnt walk up a set of steps without hurting so i dropped to 45mgs and i still get them at the gym or if im walking thru the mall or something but there not as bad

  14. #14
    romo6 is offline Senior Member
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    yes i get that from d-bol also not real bad but i cant do certain lifts sometimes.anadrol sometimes has the same effect but not as bad.and it does kinda feel like its in the kidneys.

  15. #15
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 39+1 View Post
    Of course you back is going to hurt.
    your probably young and dont do extensions to secure a strong pain free back. so get on it cause after you mess your back up it stays that way
    Define young...I'm 27 and have been lifting for 7 years. Yeah I use to abandon lower back and core excersizes but for the past year or so I have been working on strengthing that area. I normally get sore after deadlifts but this tightness I am experiencing def. has to be from the d-bol.

  16. #16
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies guys...good to see that I'm not the only one experiencing this lb pain. Let me also note that I do wear my belt religiously when preforming a movement that could cause lower back strain. Guess I will ride this one pain no gain!

  17. #17
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Thanks for the replies guys...good to see that I'm not the only one experiencing this lb pain. Let me also note that I do wear my belt religiously when preforming a movement that could cause lower back strain. Guess I will ride this one pain no gain!
    Careful wearing the belt too much though, belts can cause your abs and lower back to not develop as well, I only use a belt when I am towards my last set.

  18. #18
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    You might try hanging from something. A lot of time it is pressure on the sciatic nerve that causes the pain. The sciatic exits between the discs of the spine and then joins further down and run down the glutes and back of legs. When the spine is under heavy load or the muscles swell they can pinch the nerve casing back pain. You may also feel it in the rear upper legs. If hanging helps then that is your problem. Apart from making sure you have good strong lower back muscles to help support the spine then there really arent many other things that will prevent it im afraid.

  19. #19
    naturalsux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    You might try hanging from something. A lot of time it is pressure on the sciatic nerve that causes the pain. The sciatic exits between the discs of the spine and then joins further down and run down the glutes and back of legs. When the spine is under heavy load or the muscles swell they can pinch the nerve casing back pain. You may also feel it in the rear upper legs. If hanging helps then that is your problem. Apart from making sure you have good strong lower back muscles to help support the spine then there really arent many other things that will prevent it im afraid.
    i always go over to the hyperextension and just hang over for a few min, it usually helps.

  20. #20
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by naturalsux View Post
    i always go over to the hyperextension and just hang over for a few min, it usually helps.
    That would certainly work as the spine would be extended due to the forward bend thus aleviating the pressure on the nerve.

  21. #21
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    You might try hanging from something. A lot of time it is pressure on the sciatic nerve that causes the pain. The sciatic exits between the discs of the spine and then joins further down and run down the glutes and back of legs. When the spine is under heavy load or the muscles swell they can pinch the nerve casing back pain. You may also feel it in the rear upper legs. If hanging helps then that is your problem. Apart from making sure you have good strong lower back muscles to help support the spine then there really arent many other things that will prevent it im afraid.
    Thanks for the help bro...that def. makes since. I will try what naturalsux suggested and hang from the hyperextensions prior to my workout. The odd thing is that while I'm at the gym the pain is minimal but when I'm at home sitting on the couch watching tv the pain can be overbearing at times.

  22. #22
    naturalsux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Thanks for the help bro...that def. makes since. I will try what naturalsux suggested and hang from the hyperextensions prior to my workout. The odd thing is that while I'm at the gym the pain is minimal but when I'm at home sitting on the couch watching tv the pain can be overbearing at times.
    i would usually have to do it in between sets

    i was shopping in the grocery store the other day, i found my self using the cart to stretch out my back. probably looked a lil dumb, but i coulda cared less

  23. #23
    mrplunkey is offline New Member
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    Has anyone associated lower back pumps with Anavar as well? I'm only at 45ish mgs/day (and 450 mg test/week) and I get lower back pumps so badly that I can't even walk.

  24. #24
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrplunkey View Post
    Has anyone associated lower back pumps with Anavar as well? I'm only at 45ish mgs/day (and 450 mg test/week) and I get lower back pumps so badly that I can't even walk.
    What ester of test are you using? I have heard of test enanthate causing some lower back pain as well. Not sure about anavar I have never used it. Good stuff, way to use the search tool

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