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Thread: in a pickle

  1. #1
    quartertonroche is offline New Member
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    in a pickle

    Hey just ran 500 mg test 500 mg eq for 16 weeks. Put on about 20 pounds and lost lots of fat, very rewarding cycle. Btw im 29 200 lbs 5'6" 7th cycle.

    So I got sick at the beginning of Feb, Fever for 5 straight days with another week of horrible cold. I also moved to Maryland in this period. I ate almost nothing while sick and nothing but fast food since the beginning of Feb. I just got back on track with diet last week.

    It has been almost a month since my last shot. I have gone from 220 to 205 and put on a shocking amount of fat (it happens very quickly with me).

    Two weeks ago it was time to start Nolvadex . My girlfriend said she had thrown it away during the move, thought it was spray stuff for soar throats.

    other than last Friday I havnt moved a weight since Feb 2 or 3.

    So, I am out of Nolva AND lost all my gains from the test. I have about 15 ML test/eq left both dosed at 250/ml.

    I am very gyno prone (I have it). I have no nolva. I wont be able to afford Nolva for a few weeks, this move has been extremely expensive.

    Being gyno prone as I am what should I do? I lost my source when I moved away (he burned me), I really wanted to keep what I have for my next cycle.

    any advise? jump back on or let gyno happen and order letro down the road? or run 1/2 shots to hold off gyno till nolva comes in?

    This sucks! I had never been so strong or looked so good.

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    did you order more nolva yet? so it 2 weeks after your last shot and you havnt started pct? i will send you nolva and clomid from my own personal research supply if you havnt ordered any yet because you need it bro. i wouldnt jump back on the test

  3. #3
    quartertonroche is offline New Member
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    No I just moved from Pittsburgh to Frederick MD and I'm BROKE!!!

    I want to order Nolva on Friday but I dont know if I can I'm paying 2k a month rent now and havnt had a pay yet.

    This sucks. I have had prog gyno since I was 15. typically when I scratch or rub the area the gyno retracts but as of tonight there is no such effect. It's getting worse.

    It was gyno that originally gave me the gift of ambition in the gym, lifting to combat it. I've come a long way since then. I have been eating clean but I'm afraid the only way to stop this is to take a shot. I'm afraid of perminant effects at this point. I feel like im in a tattoo parlor getting a wang tattoo'd on my forearm and theres nothing I can do about it...
    Last edited by quartertonroche; 03-03-2008 at 08:26 PM.

  4. #4
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Holy crap dude you dont have any AI's or SERMS? and no taking another shot is going to be horrible it will most likely aggravate the current symptoms...

  5. #5
    quartertonroche is offline New Member
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    great. My letro is moldy I forgot to mention that one....

    I realize your just making a point pietro but I'd be in the burgh tomorrow night for some nolva and clomid!

    I would never, ever start a cycle without AI and serms on hand, but boy did I screw this one up. ok so no shot. now what? even if I do find a way to get nolva on payday, which will be this friday, or even next friday...It'll be another two weeks before I see it (at least).

    I can actually FEEL the swelling in my chest right now. My girlfriend commented on my itching too.
    Last edited by quartertonroche; 03-03-2008 at 09:18 PM.

  6. #6
    quartertonroche is offline New Member
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    Well on the positive side...I've never been so strong at this weight! Couldnt believe it when I layed under 315 and stroked it for 16 easy reps at 205. unreal. Sadly, this is cause the estro has my joints all lubed up I'm sure.

    I am CLEARLY developing lumps along with my prog gyno. I'm ordering nolva tomorrow (payday), which means I'll be starting 5 weeks after my final shot. I almost wonder if it's even worth it at this point, my own test should start the upswing soon. I'm going to run it untill my next cycle in May.

    I also plan to run Letro. It did seem to take the edge off my pre existing gyno. Thats impressive since it's been there for 15 years now! Boy oh boy is it back though...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    good luck dude

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