have what!! white rice takes on alot more water after you eat it and can bloat you. nutrient level is not as good etc. i didn't say it was poisonous. Things that are bad White refined flour and most store-bought pasta
The bran and germ that are removed from such items are amazingly good sources of minerals and vitamins. They lack the essential nutrients, even after enrichment. Better to stick with whole grain products because white refined flour and store-bought pasta are linked to an increase in heart disease.
White rice
No, this does not mean to completely avoid eating white rice. However, brown rice does have nutrients that can't be found in white rice. One can possibly mix white and brown rice together for a great combination of flavor.
Sugar (white and brown), molasses and soft drinks
All of us are used to grabbing a Coke from the vending machine at work or school, but what we may not be so aware of is that the fructose portion of refined sugar is a building block for cholesterol.
see i can copy shit off websites too...if your going to pick at someone's post make sure it's something worth picking at.