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Thread: Sooooo out of shape...need help

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Im looking to do 2 a day in a few weeks, until then if i dont see results in the next couple of week ill know my carbs are to blame, thanks a million.

    Panzerfaust80 .. if u do choose to take a stroll down Roid Road make sure you have a good AI handy, looks like you're gonna be super-prone to gyno man..
    What makes you say that?

  2. #42
    dnp ? no nevermind.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Melbourne, Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisfam5 View Post
    dnp ? no nevermind.
    funny? hmmmm... not so sure about that bro. that's some dangerous shit to joke about. hey, each to their own i suppose.

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    My Guy's poophole
    DNP=Dieting Naturally Please.

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    DNP=Dieting Naturally Please.
    definitely not preferable 2 dieting naturally please

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    what the hell are you guys saying? is that an answer to my question???

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jbonez19 View Post
    yeah fruit is excellent. white rice can actually bloat you, but is probably fine soon after workout. i would try and stick to brown rice if you can. in fact things that are "white" sugar, rice, flour etc. are usually more processed and generally not as good for you. don't know about the fructose thing, i suspect that is crap. that's how you're body replenishes glycogen, simple sugars. that's why athletes/bb consume dextrose etc. after training. it's especially important if you're working out twice a day. if you want energy for your second session you better get some simple carbs in after your first. just remeber you can take carbs later on in the day but make them of the fibrous variety, they help to elevate your metabolism
    Most store bought white rice does not have this. If you go to resturants they might add suger to thier white rice.
    look at this:

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    Most store bought white rice does not have this. If you go to resturants they might add suger to thier white rice.
    look at this:
    have what!! white rice takes on alot more water after you eat it and can bloat you. nutrient level is not as good etc. i didn't say it was poisonous. Things that are bad White refined flour and most store-bought pasta
    The bran and germ that are removed from such items are amazingly good sources of minerals and vitamins. They lack the essential nutrients, even after enrichment. Better to stick with whole grain products because white refined flour and store-bought pasta are linked to an increase in heart disease.

    White rice
    No, this does not mean to completely avoid eating white rice. However, brown rice does have nutrients that can't be found in white rice. One can possibly mix white and brown rice together for a great combination of flavor.

    Sugar (white and brown), molasses and soft drinks
    All of us are used to grabbing a Coke from the vending machine at work or school, but what we may not be so aware of is that the fructose portion of refined sugar is a building block for cholesterol.

    see i can copy shit off websites too...if your going to pick at someone's post make sure it's something worth picking at.

  9. #49
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    Melbourne, Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by luxur View Post
    what the hell are you guys saying? is that an answer to my question???
    chrisfam made an unfunny joke about dinitrophenol which is a dangerous supposed fat burning compound. then chuck lee was just saying it's a shit drug and people should diet naturally. as for panzerfaust saying you are prone to gyno, i think he's rather unkindly referring to your pic. you know what gynocomastia is right? he said it, not me. basically you could have done without both of those comments. if you are going AAS you do need to research anti-estrogens and Post Cycle Therapy as par for the course anyway. o.k. bro?
    Last edited by jbonez19; 03-07-2008 at 03:27 PM.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jbonez19 View Post
    have what!! white rice takes on alot more water after you eat it and can bloat you. nutrient level is not as good etc. i didn't say it was poisonous. Things that are bad White refined flour and most store-bought pasta
    The bran and germ that are removed from such items are amazingly good sources of minerals and vitamins. They lack the essential nutrients, even after enrichment. Better to stick with whole grain products because white refined flour and store-bought pasta are linked to an increase in heart disease.

    White rice
    No, this does not mean to completely avoid eating white rice. However, brown rice does have nutrients that can't be found in white rice. One can possibly mix white and brown rice together for a great combination of flavor.

    Sugar (white and brown), molasses and soft drinks
    All of us are used to grabbing a Coke from the vending machine at work or school, but what we may not be so aware of is that the fructose portion of refined sugar is a building block for cholesterol.

    see i can copy shit off websites too...if your going to pick at someone's post make sure it's something worth picking at.
    Holy shit, it's not like you are eating 10 cups of white rice. You are worried boating on small amounts of rice?
    I never said that you said it was poisonous.
    Well if you grabbing a Coke why the hell worry about what kind of rice you are eating?
    About copying web sites...If I am giving information most people would like to see sources, next time I will just type away and not give sources. If you look at the source there is not that much difference in the two!!!!!

  11. #51
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    Melbourne, Australia.
    i didn't write that about the coke you ****in' numbskull. i didn't bother looking at your sources bcoz i know what i ****in' know. PROCESSED FOODS ARE BAD FOR YOU. WHOLE FOODS ARE NATURAL, AND GOOD FOR YOU. no-one was saaying a few cups of white rice was going to kill you. you are not helping. brown rice is better for you than white rice. o.k.? that's all i was saying, and it is fact.
    Last edited by jbonez19; 03-07-2008 at 03:37 PM.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Thanks Jbonez19, i know what pct is, but as i am reading this site i realize im out of date, i have more reading to do. I dont mind joking about myself, so peeps are allowed to do it too :-) Im eating 1-2 cups of rice a day (jasmine scented white rice) i really really like it, so for now ill stick to this unless i dont see results. Guess its better to eat white rice i like and stick with it instead of brown taste like shit rice and drop out of the diet :-)

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    just an update

    My weekly weighting, ill be posting it here with a monthly pic just for fun and motivation Week 2 Weight 288lbs. im posting this 2 days late dont mind the post date.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I've seen some pretty fat dudes lean down with the help of a little prop eod.

    For some people, a little motivation in a syringe will go a long way.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Am waiting to hit a plateau before i start any gear. I dont want to have to do 3-4 cycles before im satisfied with my shape. Looking to shed 40 lbs with diet and resistance training and a little cardio. Then up my cardio for the next 20 lbs that should put me at 240lbs then id start gear. 240 is my feel good weight, but i dont see any abs at that weight. What does "eod" mean?

  16. #56
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    Feb 2004
    just taking a little shot every other day.......... nothing big, just a little motivator, lean builder, fat burner........

    Take a look at alot of the older overweight guys who get on HRT and automatically decide to start working out.................. they usually shed that fat and build good muscle.

    Just saying, if you're having fun and able to stay motivated on your diet without it. Good ! Save it til later. There is however, a few select people that need the extra help/motivation. Even if it's helping you mentally, it's help.

    I see you're 35, around my age. Not too old to show those young kids who the boss is.

  17. #57
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    Mar 2008
    im 35, 6,1 football player body, big legs and butt

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by luxur View Post
    im 35, 6,1 football player body, big legs and butt
    Yeah, I saw how old you were after I posted. Nothing wrong with a dude having a big butt, I got one myself.

    32 years old, 6'2, 300 lbs

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Luxur, this is an example of what I was talking about.

    Check this thread out.

    The majority on this board would have told the guy to lose the fat before touching Test. But, the pictures speak for themselves.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Weekly weighting

    Damn saint patricks day, week 3 weight 288 lbs, no loss. Thank god theres only one of those a year

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    For those of you who were folling the thread and were curious as to how its gonna end, i transfered it to the members picture forum with monthly pics

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    your face reminds me of jesse marunde. RIP

  23. #63
    Join Date
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    your girls house
    dude judgeing by ur pic. u need alot of dieting an cardio before a cycle at almost 300lbs wouldnt be the best thing 4 ur heart.

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Rotary View Post
    I've seen some pretty fat dudes lean down with the help of a little prop eod.

    For some people, a little motivation in a syringe will go a long way.

    Very true...

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    nowhere near

    I know im nowhere near where i should be for gear. I realize body fat is an obstacle to a good cycle and im bringing it down now. What i wanted to make sure is that my weight training was well established before i jump into gear, not realizing BF was to be considered also (or before even).

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