Originally Posted by anadrol-king
yer winny no less than 50mgs ed ...
to the thread starter you need to do alot of reading on pct....
deca is a waste of time and money if you do it undar 10 weeks and less than 400mgs every week.......
basic cycle
test 12 weeks at 500mgs every week
deca 10 weeks 400mgs every week
pct starts two weeks after last shot of test(pct=nolva/clomid go look it up}
thats what i posted and under is what a member who has 3000 posts said...
what you guys think ?its getting really strange all these people saying different thing on other boards
You're very wrong. The test should be ran 10wks. Thats the usual baseline for Enanthate or Cypionate. Same with the Deca. Also, if this is his first cycle, 500mg/wk of test is too much.
As far as winny - everyone responds differently. Some have joint problems at 50mg/ed, some at 75mg/ed. If you're worried about your joints, start at 25mg/ed. If you feel good, take 50mg/ed. For no more than 5 wks total.
PCT starts 3-4wks after your last shot. 2 weeks isn't long enough for the esters to clear your body. Please don't give out bad advice people.