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Thread: panic attack!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In yo mouth

    panic attack!!

    I think i had somewhat of a panic attack today, just sittin there and felt very anxious and heart rate increased and felt somewhat nasuated (spelling)
    Im on week 3 of test e cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    im sure it wasnt because the test but you should go see your dr to be certain it was a panic attack

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    womb raider
    man i had a huge panik attack on 4th jan and was rushed to a&e by far the worst experance of my life thought i was going to die heart was pounding ery fast i had a sence of doom and i was ready to die,i know it sounds weid but thats what i felt like...(lasted about 4 hours)

    i get them all the time now but they are only small and last around 10 seconds...i have had all sorts of tests done ,bloods(test levals,thyroid,bone test,liver and they are all fine ,ecg doc give me some beta blocker but dont take them....guess am just stuckwith them untill i cn over come it...

    i also get very light headed when i pin ,used to love it but not anymore

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ozone Layer
    Ive been in the same boat as nowdenlid, but I agree you should see your doc to get any physical problems ruled out. I did the whole nine yards, nuclear stress test, ecg, blood work, uper gi will help your situation just to know its not a physical problem.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by nowdenlid View Post
    man i had a huge panik attack on 4th jan and was rushed to a&e by far the worst experance of my life thought i was going to die heart was pounding ery fast i had a sence of doom and i was ready to die,i know it sounds weid but thats what i felt like...(lasted about 4 hours)

    i get them all the time now but they are only small and last around 10 seconds...i have had all sorts of tests done ,bloods(test levals,thyroid,bone test,liver and they are all fine ,ecg doc give me some beta blocker but dont take them....guess am just stuckwith them untill i cn over come it...

    i also get very light headed when i pin ,used to love it but not anymore
    better a panic attack then the something else. i never had one but those symptoms can either be a panic attack or something alot worse like heart attack or conjestive heart faliure

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Melbourne, Australia.
    you hadn't just shot had you? the only time i ever had a severe panic attack i was in hospital, the nurse had administered an i.v. laxative through my drip and i freaked out. one of the other nurses came and shook her head and said, 'oh she runs the drips too fast all the time.' it's probably un-related but hey. oh, also it's nauseated if you care (close). j

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    womb raider
    Quote Originally Posted by jbonez19 View Post
    you hadn't just shot had you? the only time i ever had a severe panic attack i was in hospital, the nurse had administered an i.v. laxative through my drip and i freaked out. one of the other nurses came and shook her head and said, 'oh she runs the drips too fast all the time.' it's probably un-related but hey. oh, also it's nauseated if you care (close). j
    if thats too me the answer is no and i had been of aas for around13 months

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Melbourne, Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by nowdenlid View Post
    if thats too me the answer is no and i had been of aas for around13 months
    nah, was asking hendrira. should've quoted, sorry

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    womb raider
    Quote Originally Posted by jbonez19 View Post
    nah, was asking hendrira. should've quoted, sorry

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Yes, check with the doc. If it is panic, qi gong. Practice take control, practice the witness state. Can't be bothered to write it all out. Google that.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In yo mouth
    no i havent injected since mon, could be a stomach virus thats going around and i freaked myself out, but i better get checked out to be safe

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    new york
    i have them every day of my life it sucks have to take the xzanx every day or ill be freaking out all day just got to keep telling you self during it its just a panic attack its ok it will pass breath in thro your nose for 2 sec and out your mouth for 4 sec. just keep telling your sell its ok it will pass youll be good

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by dogman69 View Post
    i have them every day of my life it sucks have to take the xzanx every day or ill be freaking out all day just got to keep telling you self during it its just a panic attack its ok it will pass breath in thro your nose for 2 sec and out your mouth for 4 sec. just keep telling your sell its ok it will pass youll be good
    Hey bros, I have suffered from panic attacks for many years now. Let me share some info and insight.

    They will not kill you, I repeat no matter how much it feels like you are going to die you're not. What i have found to be very helpful is someone to reind me of that when im in the middle of one. Mine usually occur in first thing in the morning i.e. they wake me up. My girl tells me to remember it will pass and that helps me.

    Xanax works great but is a very f@#*ing evil drug. If you take them every day then stop you get rebound panic attacks. They are very addictive and if you eat enough of them for long enough and stop you will have seizures and could die. No bull.
    I found that if i have a xanax that i don't need to eat it. Just knowing that i can stop it usually works just as good as taking the xanax.

    They really are just in your head. Im not saying that to belittle them only to point out that it is possible to cure yourself. I haven't but have greatly improved how I deal with them

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