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  1. #1
    Elexecution is offline Associate Member
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    Deca and TrenA in the same cycle...

    I've heard a lot of good things but also bad things about running these 2 compounds in the same cycle. Really it's just the Deca that I'm considering adding... I'm for sure doing the trenA at 100mg/ed weeks 4-12.. i did it last year and had GREAT success with little to no sides... I'm considering a low dose of Deca just for my joints, most likely 200mg/wk. Would there be any benefits of running it higher than that? Should I run it at all? Of course i'm doing test, 600mg/wk of test enth.. ill give you a rundown of everything

    1-12 Test Enth 600mg/wk
    1-4 DBol 50mg/ed
    1-4 IGF-LR3 60mcg/ed
    4-12 TrenA 100mg/ed

    and i want to consider adding deca... this will be my 4th cycle i'm going to start in May. I have all of the above on hand along with my PCT but may want to get some deca and i wanna hear some of your opinions.. pic is in my avatar ,, main goal for this cycle strength and size

  2. #2
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Id say go with 400mg ew of the deca

  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    deca and tren together isnt a good thing for everyone. your definatly going to want to run some bromo with that. alot of people cant ru those 2 together without gyno but i have before and had great results

  4. #4
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Not bad in the avvy bro...lot of can throw the deca in...but like schmidty said 400mgs....200 mgs a week is a waste...pietro has a point of progesterone but thats not everyone...

  5. #5
    Elexecution is offline Associate Member
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    I've never tried bromo or caber... I think I will just run an AI such as arimidex at a moderate dose. I have a lot of experience with adex and would rather use that because ive had success with it, rather than bromo which ive never done

  6. #6
    celticd's Avatar
    celticd is offline Associate Member
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    just done a cycle with deca and tri-tren
    no problems at all with it
    great results
    i used 300mg deca awk / tri-tren 225mg awk
    fairly low dose but there two 19nors,but ill up it next time around

  7. #7
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elexecution View Post
    I've never tried bromo or caber... I think I will just run an AI such as arimidex at a moderate dose. I have a lot of experience with adex and would rather use that because ive had success with it, rather than bromo which ive never done
    Yeah, except adex will not help you with prolactin induced sides, while caber/bromo will

  8. #8
    Elexecution is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord View Post
    Yeah, except adex will not help you with prolactin induced sides, while caber/bromo will
    That's true but gyno needs estrogen, prog and also gh to form... i ran adex with with tren before and did not get any gyno, i think i'll be fine

  9. #9
    Njord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elexecution View Post
    That's true but gyno needs estrogen, prog and also gh to form... i ran adex with with tren before and did not get any gyno, i think i'll be fine
    Allright, just warning ya. You are throwing another 19-nor into the mix.

  10. #10
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    I can't run a moderate dose of Tren alone without caber or bromo. You should keep some around just in case.

  11. #11
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    me too Kratos.. I get some pufffffy nipples on Tren

  12. #12
    Elexecution is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord View Post
    Allright, just warning ya. You are throwing another 19-nor into the mix.
    I was advised by a couple mods on here that adding deca will make no difference in prolact/prog sides than Tren by itself would...

    Would Bromo hinder my gains more than adex? If I don't absolutely need bromo and it's going to hinder my gains a ton, then it's pretty counter-productive

  13. #13
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Caber or bromo are prolactin inhibitors. Don't confuse that with aromatase inhibitors. They are 2 completely different things.

  14. #14
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    there are people that can run that ane not use any bromo and never have a problem but there are others that will run deca and tren and if they dont have bromo then there growing a set of tits. personally if i were you i would rather have it on hand just incase because once it starts it to late.

  15. #15
    Elexecution is offline Associate Member
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    Absolutely I'll have it on hand but don't want to hinder my gains if it's not necessary... and yes im aware of that these are prolactin inhibitors.

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